首页 > 解决方案 > Kafka ordering with multiple producers on same topic and parititon


Let's say I have two producers (ProducerA and ProducerB) writing to the same topic with a single partition. Each producer is writing it's own unique events serially. So if ProducerA fired 3 events and then ProducerB fired 3 events, my understanding is that Kafka cannot guarantee the order across the producer's events like this:

  1. ProducerA_event_1
  2. ProducerA_event_2
  3. ProducerA_event_3
  4. ProducerB_event_1
  5. ProducerB_event_2
  6. ProducerB_event_3

due to acking, retrying, etc.

However will individual producer's events still be in order? For example:

  1. ProducerA_event_1
  2. ProducerB_event_2
  3. ProducerB_event_1
  4. ProducerA_event_2
  5. ProducerA_event_3
  6. ProducerB_event_3

This is of course a simplified version of what I am doing, but I just want to guarantee that if I am reading from a topic for a specific producer's events, then those events will be in order even if other producer's events interleave them.

标签: apache-kafka


有一篇关于 medium的好文章指出,即使对于同一个生产者,Kafka 也不总是保证消息的顺序。这一切都取决于 Kafka 配置。特别是,max.in.flight.requests.per.connection必须设置为1。原因是如果有多个请求(例如 2 个)在运行,而第一个请求失败,则第二个请求会更早地附加到日志中,从而破坏排序。
