首页 > 解决方案 > 如何从随机文件夹中获取随机文件


这不是“使用 Java 计算目录中的文件数”的副本,因为这里的主要问题是“如何从随机文件夹中获取随机文件”。计算文件数量只是一个可选的改进问题。




File[] files = dir.listFiles();
Random rand = new Random();
File file = files[rand.nextInt(files.length)];



编辑: 我还发现这篇文章说一个“好的解决方案”(快速)来计算目录中的文件或目录的数量是:

File hugeDir = new File("/tmp/huge-dir");
int numberFiles = hugeDir.list().length;

我完全不知道我们可以创建一个带有目录的 File 对象。对我来说似乎很奇怪。但是,我想它可以解决我的两个问题:选择一个随机目录并获取他的名字,我这样做:

//Get a random client name according to directories names:
private static String getRandomClient() {
    File testFiles = new File("testfiles");  //directory where all my testfiles are (in other directories)
    Random rand = new Random();
    String[] dirNames = testFiles.list();   //making a list() seems to be faster than making a listFiles().
    File randomNamedDirectory = new File(dirNames[rand.nextInt(dirNames.length)]);
    String randomDirName = randomNamedDirectory.getName();
    return randomDirName;


//Get a random File Path from the client Directory:
private static String getRandomFilePath(String clientDirectory) {
    File clientDir = new File("testfiles\\"+clientDirectory);   //client Directory.
    Random rand = new Random();
    String[] dirNames = clientDir.list();  //This return null!?
    File randomDirectory = new File(dirNames[rand.nextInt(dirNames.length)]);
    int numberFiles = randomDirectory.list().length;
    String randomFile = rand.nextInt(numberFiles) + ".";  //All files are named with their number and a .
    String filePath = clientDir + "\\" + randomDirectory +"\\" + randomFile;
    return filePath;


标签: javarandomdirectory


所以,经过一番研究,我发现: 1. 似乎没有比列出文件更好的解决方案了。但是,使用 list() 而不是 listFiles() 似乎要快一些(请参阅问题的编辑部分中引用的帖子)

  1. 我在我的问题中给出的“部分解决方案”有一些愚蠢的错误(比如,使用 \ 而不是 / )。这是一个“最小而完整”的解决方案:


import java.io.File;
public class main {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{

        String client = getRandomClient(); 
        String filePath = getRandomFilePath(client);
        File file = new File(filePath);        

    //Get a random client name according to directories names:
    private static String getRandomClient() {
        File testFiles = new File("maildir");  //directory where all my testfiles are (in other directories)
        Random rand = new Random();
        String[] dirNames = testFiles.list();
        File randomNamedDirectory = new File(dirNames[rand.nextInt(dirNames.length)]);
        String randomDirName = randomNamedDirectory.getName();
        return randomDirName;

    //Get a random File Path from the client Directory:
    private static String getRandomFilePath(String clientDirectory) {
        File clientDir = new File("maildir/"+clientDirectory);      //client Directory.
        Random rand = new Random();
        String[] dirNames = clientDir.list();
        File randomDirectory = new File(clientDir +"/" + dirNames[rand.nextInt(dirNames.length)]);
        int numberFiles = randomDirectory.list().length;
        String randomFile = rand.nextInt(numberFiles) + ".";  //All files are named with their number and a .
        String filePath = randomDirectory + "/" + randomFile;
        return filePath;
