首页 > 解决方案 > Bcrypt加密每次使用相同的输入都不同


使用golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt和 GORM ( http://gorm.io/docs/ ) 我正在尝试加密密码。问题是它的每次加密每次都不一样,所以它永远无法匹配数据库中的加密。

var result []string

password := []byte(data.Password)
encryptedPassword, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword(password, bcrypt.DefaultCost) // different every time

db.Where(&User{Username: strings.ToLower(data.Username)}).First(&user).Pluck("password", &result)
encryptionErr := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(encryptedPassword, []byte(result[0]))

if encryptionErr == nil { // passwords match! }



标签: go


The problem is that every encryption of it is different every time, so it can never match the one in the database.

This is normal bcrypt behavior.

bcrypt returns a different hash each time because it incorporates a different random value into the hash. This is known as a "salt". It prevents people from attacking your hashed passwords with a "rainbow table", a pre-generated table mapping password hashes back to their passwords. The salt means that instead of there being one hash for a password, there's 2^16 of them. Too many to store.

The salt is stored as part of the hashed password. So bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(encryptedPassword, plainPassword) can encrypt plainPassword using the same salt as encryptedPassword and compare them.

See this answer for more information and Dustin Boswell's excellent Storing User Passwords Securely: hashing, salting, and Bcrypt.

What am I doing wrong here?

You're trying to compare the generated hashed password with the stored hashed password. At least I certainly hope it's the hashed password that's stored in the database.

What you want instead is to compare the stored hashed password with the plain password the user entered.

// Normally this comes from user input and is *never* stored
plainPassword := "supersekret"

// The encrypted password is stored in the database
db.Where(&User{Username: strings.ToLower(data.Username)}).First(&user).Pluck("password", &result)
encryptedPassword := []byte(result[0])

// Check if the stored encrypted password matches "supersekret"
encryptionErr := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(encryptedPassword, plainPassword)
if encryptionErr == nil {
    fmt.Println("Greetings Professor Falken")
} else {
