首页 > 解决方案 > 如何更改 HTML 列表项的颜色(颜色:firebrick 不起作用


正如您将在 css 链接中看到的那样,我已经尝试了在我能想到的所有内容中尝试 color:firebrick 的明显方法。这是谷歌说要做的唯一事情。在使我的列表内联之前,我对其进行了一系列编辑,但我认为这将是一个简单的修复,因为它一开始就很容易做到。






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  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="HW2.css" />
  <title>Math 300 Assignment 2</title>

  <div id="headings">
    <h1>A Mathematical Web</h1>
    <h2>Roots of Polynomials</h2>
  <div id="nav">
      <li><a href="http://math.wsu.edu/kcooper/M300/HWpoly_home.html">Home</a></li>
      <li><a href="http://math.wsu.edu/kcooper/M300/HWpoly_quadratic.html">The Quadratic</a></li>
      <li><a href="http://math.wsu.edu/kcooper/M300/HWpoly_cubic.html">The Cubic</a></li>
      <li><a href="http://math.wsu.edu/kcooper/M300/HWpoly_quartic.html">The Quartic</a></li>
      <li><a href="http://math.wsu.edu/kcooper/M300/HWpoly_galois.html">Galois Theory</a></li>
  <div id="content">
    <h1>The Quadratic</h1>
      A polynomial of degree two is called a quadratic, and an equation involving a quadratic polynomial whose value is zero is called a quadratic equation. The solutions of a quadratic equation are called the <i>roots</i> of the polynomial. Figure 1
      shows the graph of a quadratic polynomial. The roots of the polynomial are the points where the graph crosses the <i>x</i>-axis.
    <div class="figure">
      <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f8/Polynomialdeg2.svg"> Figure 1. A quadratic polynomial<sup>*</sup>
      The means of finding the roots of quadratic polynomials were known to the Babylonians and others thousands of years ago. Today, we can write our solutions more elegantly using modern mathematical notation. A general quadratic polynomial can be written
      in the form
    <p class="equation">
      p(x) = ax<sup>2</sup> + bx + c.
      Using this notation, we can write the roots of <i>p</i> as
    <p class="equation">
      ( 1/(2a) ) ( -b ± [ b<sup>2</sup> - 4ac ]<sup>1/2</sup> ).
      We can see that whenever <span class="equation">b<sup>2</sup> - 4ac &lt; 0</span> then there are two complex roots with non-zero imaginary parts. If
      <span class="equation">b<sup>2</sup> - 4ac = 0</span> then there is exactly one root, which is real. Otherwise, there are two real roots.
  <div id="footnotes">
    * By Original hand-drawn version: N.Mori Updated hand-drawn version: Rubber Duck (☮ • ✍) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
  <div id="footer">
    Copyright © 2018 Kevin Cooper



标签: htmlcss


#nav li a不添加颜色#nav li

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