首页 > 解决方案 > 在 R 中查找事件的顺序和顺序



    Name    Date        Food
    Fred    01/01/2018  Peanuts
    Jim     03/02/2018  Banana
    Barney  02/02/2018  Rice
    Fred    06/03/2018  Rice
    Barry   12/02/2018  Peanuts
    John    04/04/2018  Rice
    Jim     03/03/2018  Rice
    Fred    20/04/2018  Rice
    Den     12/02/2018  Banana
    Barney  04/05/2018  Banana
    Jim     05/06/2018  Rice
    John    06/07/2018  Peanuts
    Jim     30/06/2018  Banana
    Fred    05/05/2018  Rice


我在 R 中使用了 order 函数并使用创建了一个从 1 到 nrow 的 seq 来获取排序,但我不知道如何为每个人获取这个。


  Flow                 count
  Peanuts to rice      1
  Peanuts to banana    0
  Peanuts to peanuts   0
  Rice to peanuts      1
  Rice to banana       2
  Rice to rice         3
  Banana to rice       1
  Banana to peanuts    0
  Banana to banana     0






标签: r



  1. 它已按Date列按升序排序(或按您当前的Date方式在 内排序Name);
  2. Name并且Food是因子列。

## split by person; not to be messed up by "between person" flow
x <- split(levels(dat$Food)[dat$Food], dat$Name)

#[1] "Rice"   "Banana"
#[1] "Peanuts"
#[1] "Banana"
#[1] "Peanuts" "Rice"    "Rice"    "Rice"   
#[1] "Banana" "Rice"   "Rice"   "Banana"
#[1] "Rice"    "Peanuts"


getFlow1 <- function (u) {
  if (length(u) == 1L) NULL
  else paste(u[-length(u)], u[-1], sep = " to ")

Flow1 <- unlist(lapply(x, getFlow1), use.names = FALSE)
#[1] "Rice to Banana"  "Peanuts to Rice" "Rice to Rice"    "Rice to Rice"   
#[5] "Banana to Rice"  "Rice to Rice"    "Rice to Banana"  "Rice to Peanuts"

## maybe you can control the order of factor levels here
All_Flow <- outer(levels(dat$Food), levels(dat$Food), paste, sep = " to ")
Flow1 <- table("Flow" = factor(Flow1, levels = All_Flow))
#  Banana to Banana  Peanuts to Banana     Rice to Banana  Banana to Peanuts 
#                 0                  0                  2                  0 
#Peanuts to Peanuts    Rice to Peanuts     Banana to Rice    Peanuts to Rice 
#                 0                  1                  1                  1 
#      Rice to Rice 
#                 3 


#                Flow Freq
#1   Banana to Banana    0
#2  Peanuts to Banana    0
#3     Rice to Banana    2
#4  Banana to Peanuts    0
#5 Peanuts to Peanuts    0
#6    Rice to Peanuts    1
#7     Banana to Rice    1
#8    Peanuts to Rice    1
#9       Rice to Rice    3


getFlow2 <- function (u) {
  if (length(u) == 1L) NULL
  else cbind(u[-length(u)], u[-1])

Flow2 <- do.call("rbind", lapply(x, getFlow2))
#     [, 1]     [, 2]     
#[1,] "Rice"    "Banana" 
#[2,] "Peanuts" "Rice"   
#[3,] "Rice"    "Rice"   
#[4,] "Rice"    "Rice"   
#[5,] "Banana"  "Rice"   
#[6,] "Rice"    "Rice"   
#[7,] "Rice"    "Banana" 
#[8,] "Rice"    "Peanuts"

Flow2 <- table("From" = Flow2[, 1], "To" = Flow2[, 2])
#         To
#From      Banana Peanuts Rice
#  Banana       0       0    1
#  Peanuts      0       0    1
#  Rice         2       1    3

#     From      To Freq
#1  Banana  Banana    0
#2 Peanuts  Banana    0
#3    Rice  Banana    2
#4  Banana Peanuts    0
#5 Peanuts Peanuts    0
#6    Rice Peanuts    1
#7  Banana    Rice    1
#8 Peanuts    Rice    1
#9    Rice    Rice    3
