首页 > 解决方案 > how can put image inside the image in flutter



Like what we see a small circular image inside the big picture . And how to arrange the text as in the picture


标签: dartflutter


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return new Container(
    height: 150.0,
    margin: new EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
    decoration: new BoxDecoration(borderRadius: new BorderRadius.all(new Radius.circular(10.0)),
        gradient: new LinearGradient(colors: [Colors.yellow[700], Colors.redAccent],
            begin: Alignment.centerLeft, end: Alignment.centerRight, tileMode: TileMode.clamp)),
    child: new Row(
      crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center,
      children: <Widget>[
        new Padding(padding: new EdgeInsets.only(left: 10.0, right: 10.0),
          child: new CircleAvatar(radius: 35.0, backgroundImage: NetworkImage('https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp2365076.jpg'),)
        new Expanded(child: new Column(
          mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
          crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
          children: <Widget>[
            new Text('New York', style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 20.0, color: Colors.white70, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),),
            new SizedBox(height: 8.0,),
            new Text('Sunny', style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 12.0, color: Colors.white70),),
            new SizedBox(height: 10.0,),
            new Row(children: <Widget>[
              new Column(children: <Widget>[
                new Text('2342', style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 12.0, color: Colors.white)),
                new Text('Popularity', style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 10.0, color: Colors.white)),
              new Column(children: <Widget>[
                new Text('2342', style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 12.0, color: Colors.white)),
                new Text('Like', style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 10.0, color: Colors.white)),
              new Column(children: <Widget>[
                new Text('2342', style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 12.0, color: Colors.white)),
                new Text('Followed', style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 10.0, color: Colors.white)),
        new Padding(padding: new EdgeInsets.only(left: 10.0, right: 10.0),
          child: new Column(
            mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
            children: <Widget>[
            new Text('12°', style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 30.0, color: Colors.white70),),
            new Text('Ranking', style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 14.0, color: Colors.white70),),


