首页 > 解决方案 > Spring Boot - Spring Data - Jersey - 在 JUnit 集成测试期间没有存储库的结果


在这个问题上挣扎了很长时间,我有一种奇怪的感觉,它与我如何设置 @Transactional 注释有关。


  1. 我正在准备一些数据并将它们与数据库中的可用存储库一起保存。

这可以在我的 FormTest 类中的prepareExampleApplication方法中找到

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
@DirtiesContext(classMode = DirtiesContext.ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD)
public class FormTest {

    private ApplicationRepository applicationRepository;

    private AppActionRepository appActionRepository;

    private RoleRepository roleRepository;

    private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;

    private FormRepository formRepository;

    private FormElementRepository formElementRepository;

    private SectionRepository sectionRepository;

    private Application application;
    private InputField refInputField;
    private Select refSelectBox;

    public void prepareExampleApplication() {

        Form form = formRepository.save(ModelFactory.getForm("Project"));

        Application application = ModelFactory.getApplication("Example", form);

        this.application = applicationRepository.save(application);

        Role role = new Role();

        role = roleRepository.save(role);

        Section section = ModelFactory.getSection(form, null, null);

        section = formElementRepository.save(section);

        InputField inputField = ModelFactory.getInputField(form, section, section);

        refInputField = formElementRepository.save(inputField);
        //once again. Just for my own eyes to see if it is there
        Iterable<Form> all = formRepository.findAll();

       // lot more stuff


    public void testUserInput() {

        // first create a new container to give inouts

        Long id = this.application.getEntity().getId();
        // for the sake of debugging I am using the formRepo to really SEARCH for the persisted form AND IT IS THERE!!!
        Form byId = formRepository.findById(id).orElseThrow(NotFoundException::new);

        URI uri = this.restTemplate.postForLocation("/api/form/" + id + "/forminstance", null);
        long containerId = TestHelper.extractId(uri);

  1. 拥有这些数据的下一件事是使用 restTemplate 并将发布请求发送到 REST 服务。您可以在测试方法中找到 POST 调用。出于调试原因 - 并看到 repo 正在工作 - 我真的使用存储库来获取表单的 id,而不是使用已填充准备方法的类字段。并且表格将被退回!

  2. 在我的休息服务中,我再次使用 formRepository,寻找我之前在测试类中找到的实体。但是这次存储库没有返回任何东西。只有空。我已经尝试了很多不同的事情,在不同的位置设置@Transactional,但是无论我做什么,REST服务中的formRepository都只会给我0个实体和一个null。这是 REST 服务

    public class FormService {
        private FormInstanceRepository formInstanceRepository;
        private FormRepository formRepository;
        private FormElementRepository formElementRepository;
        private UserInputRepository userInputRepository;
        public Response createFormInstance(@Context UriInfo info, @PathParam("id") long formId) {
            // returns ALWAYS 0 elements
            Iterable<Form> all = formRepository.findAll(); 
            // returns always null       
            Form form = formRepository.findById(formId).orElse(null);
            FormInstance formInstance = new FormInstance();
            FormInstance save = formInstanceRepository.save(formInstance);
            UriBuilder builder = info.getAbsolutePathBuilder();
            return Response.created(builder.build()).build();

    如果您知道答案,我对解释我的错误非常感兴趣。我正在使用内存中的 H2 db 进行测试。

也添加 Form 实体和 FormRepository

    public class Form {

        private Long id;

        private String name;



    public interface FormRepository extends CrudRepository<Form, Long> {


标签: javaspringspring-bootjpaspring-data

