首页 > 解决方案 > 将 .png 图像插入 MS Word 给出白色方块“此时无法显示此图像


有很多问题要重新获得将图像插入 MS Word 的工作代码,我在其他在线资源中使用过这些代码来让我走到这一步。

我已经能够创建要插入到 word 中的图像(条形码)数组,以便创建一个要打印的文件。我正在使用 Barbecue 库来生成我的条形码图像,并使用 Apache POI 将它们插入到 MS Word 中。现在发生的事情是创建了图像,创建了word文档,将图像插入到文档中,但是它是一个白色的正方形,左上角的红色x表示“当前无法显示此图像”。

[sample barcode][[https://imgur.com/a/bD4GrBE]

public class Barcode {//Creates a bar code object
//Instance fields
public String barcode;
public int count;

//Getters and Setters
public String getBarcode(){
    return barcode.toString();
public void setBarcode(String barcode){
    this.barcode = barcode.toString();
public int getCount(){
    return count;

public Barcode(String code){


public class BarcodeArray {//creates the bar code array 
// Instance fields
Barcode[] barcodes;
public int numBarcodes;

final static int MAX_BARCODES = 2000;

// Getters and Setters
public Barcode[] getBarcodes() {
    return barcodes;
public void setBarcodes(Barcode[] barcodes) {
    this.barcodes = barcodes;
public int getNumBarcodes() {
    return numBarcodes;

// Methods
BarcodeArray() {//instantiates the bar code array with a fixed length.. //this will be changed to create the array based on the number of bar codes in the input file 
    barcodes = new Barcode[MAX_BARCODES];
void add(Barcode Barcode) {//method for adding a bar code to the array
    if (numBarcodes < MAX_BARCODES) {
        barcodes[numBarcodes] = Barcode;
        System.out.println("Barcode: " + Barcode.getBarcode() +  " added to the array");


public class PrintBarcodes {

public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InvalidFormatException {
    BarcodeArray myBarcode = new BarcodeArray();// instantiates new array instantiates new text file
    File file = new File("C:\\Java_Training\\Barcodes\\BarcodesForTesting.txt");

    try {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(file);// opens a new scanner object adds bar codes from the input file to the array
        while (sc.hasNextLine())
            myBarcode.add(new Barcode(sc.nextLine()));//steps through the file and creates bar codes until scanner hits the end of file
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("File not found");
    }System.out.println("Total barcodes added to print queue: " + myBarcode.getNumBarcodes());//Prints total count

    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < myBarcode.numBarcodes; i++) {//For loop to save bar codes to the file directory
            net.sourceforge.barbecue.Barcode b = BarcodeFactory.createCode128(myBarcode.getBarcodes()[i].barcode.toString());//Creates the bar code
            File save = new File("C:\\Java_Training\\Barcodes\\" + myBarcode.getBarcodes()[i].barcode.toString() + ".jpg");
            BarcodeImageHandler.saveJPEG(b, save);  
            String dirPath = "C:\\Java_Training\\Barcodes\\";//file path to look in
            File dir = new File(dirPath);
            File[] images = dir.listFiles();//array of file objects

            for(File aFile : images){

                  XWPFDocument doc = new XWPFDocument();//creates a new word document
                    XWPFParagraph title = doc.createParagraph();//defines a paragraph
                    XWPFRun run = title.createRun();
                    run.setText("Barcodes");//Sets title
                    run.setBold(true);//Title style
                    title.setAlignment(ParagraphAlignment.CENTER);//title location on page

                    String imgFile = "C:\\Java_Training\\Barcodes\\" + aFile.getName();
                    FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(imgFile);
                    run.addPicture(fs, XWPFDocument.PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG, imgFile, Units.toEMU(50), Units.toEMU(150)); // 200x200 pixels
                    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("C:\\Java_Training\\Barcodes\\Barcodes.docx");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Unable to save file");

有没有人知道我可以做些什么来将渲染的图像转换成文字。目的是为我的企业制作一个条形码生成器应用程序,该应用程序采用简单的 .txt 输入文件并将其转换为项目条形码。UI 和重构工作将在稍后进行 :)

标签: javaapache-poibarbecue

