首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么这个 Java Page Printing 代码如此缓慢,还有其他替代方法吗?


我正在使用可打印界面。实现 Printable的PrintPanel的确切代码是:

package accessory;

// all necessary imports

public class PrintPanel implements Printable {

BufferedImage printableImages[] = null;
DynPanel printable = null;

public Font printFont = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD , 10);
public String headerStr = null , footerStr = null;
public boolean draw_pageBorder = false;
public Color borderColor = Color.BLACK;
public int pageBorder_thickness = 2;
public int pageCount = 1;

public PrintPanel(DynPanel panel)
printable = panel;
pageCount = 1;
public PrintPanel(BufferedImage images[])
printableImages = images;
pageCount = images.length;
   public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pageFormat, int page) throws PrinterException
 System.out.println("entered print command");
 if(page < pageCount )

 //--- Create the Graphics2D object
 Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
 g2d.translate(pageFormat.getImageableX(), pageFormat
 //--- Translate the origin to 0,0 for the top left corner

 int fontHeight = g2d.getFontMetrics().getHeight();
 int fontDescent = g2d.getFontMetrics().getDescent();
 int lineHeight = fontHeight+ fontDescent;

 int fontWidth_header = g2d.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(headerStr);
 int fontWidth_footer = g2d.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(footerStr);
 int remainder_header = (int)Math.ceil( pageFormat.getImageableWidth()  )  - fontWidth_header;
 remainder_header /= 2d;
 int remainder_footer = (int)Math.ceil( pageFormat.getImageableWidth()  )  - fontWidth_footer;
 remainder_footer /= 2d;



 g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(pageBorder_thickness));
 Rectangle2D.Double border = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, pageFormat
     .getImageableWidth()+4, pageFormat.getImageableHeight()+4);


 // code for printing DynPanel (JPanel)
 if(printable != null)

      Dimension compSize = printable.getPreferredSize();
         // Make sure we size to the preferred size
         // Get the the print size
         Dimension printSize = new Dimension();
         printSize.setSize(pageFormat.getImageableWidth(), pageFormat.getImageableHeight());

         // Calculate the scale factor
         double scaleFactor = getScaleFactorToFit(compSize, printSize);
         // Don't want to scale up, only want to scale down
         if (scaleFactor > 1d) {
             scaleFactor = 1d;

         // Calculate the scaled size...
         double scaleWidth = compSize.width * scaleFactor;
         double scaleHeight = compSize.height * scaleFactor;

         // Create a clone of the graphics context.  This allows us to manipulate
         // the graphics context without begin worried about what effects
         // it might have once we're finished
         //Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create();
         // Calculate the x/y position of the component, this will center
         // the result on the page if it can
         double x = ((pageFormat.getImageableWidth() - scaleWidth) / 2d) + pageFormat.getImageableX();
         double y = ((pageFormat.getImageableHeight() - scaleHeight) / 2d) + pageFormat.getImageableY();
 AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform();
 // Translate the offset to out "center" of page
 at.translate(x, y);
 // Set the scaling
 at.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
 // Apply the transformation
 // Print the component

 else // code for printing BufferedImages 'printableImages'


            int width = (int) pageFormat.getImageableWidth();
            int height = (int) pageFormat.getImageableHeight();
            int imageWidth  = printableImages[page].getWidth();
            int imageHeight = printableImages[page].getHeight();

            double scaleX = (double)width/imageWidth;
            double scaleY = (double)height/imageHeight;
            AffineTransform scaleTransform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scaleX, scaleY);
            AffineTransformOp bilinearScaleOp = new AffineTransformOp(scaleTransform, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR);

            printableImages[page] = bilinearScaleOp.filter(
                new BufferedImage(width, height, printableImages[page].getType()));
         System.out.println("Printing IMAGE="+printableImages[page]);

        g2d.drawImage(printableImages[page] ,  (int)pageFormat.getImageableX() , ( (int)pageFormat.getImageableY() + (8 + lineHeight) ),  null);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        System.out.println("ERROR IN PRINTING IMAGE");

 if(headerStr != null)
     g2d.drawString( headerStr , (int)pageFormat.getImageableX() + remainder_header , (int)pageFormat.getImageableY() + (8 + lineHeight));
     if(footerStr != null)
          g2d.drawString( ("Page "+( page + 1) + " of " + pageCount ) , (int)pageFormat.getImageableX() + remainder_footer , (int)pageFormat.getImageableY() + ((int)pageFormat.getImageableHeight() - lineHeight - 8 ));
     g2d.drawString( footerStr ,  (int)pageFormat.getImageableX() + remainder_footer , (int)pageFormat.getImageableY() + ((int)pageFormat.getImageableHeight() - lineHeight - 8));
//else System.out.println("EMPTY PRINT");
if(printable != null) printable.revalidate();
  //  printable.paint(g2d);
 return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;
else return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE;



我正在使用构造函数 PrintPanel(BufferedImage images[])


  1. 在“启动打印命令”打印到控制台,打印对话框每次出现实际上需要超过 30 秒。 是什么原因造成的?
  2. 即使单击打印对话框中的“打印”按钮,在实际生成打印作业之前至少需要 40-50 秒。这是为什么 ?(我最多打印 1 - 2 页)
  3. 超过 setPrintable() 需要 3-6 秒(prev time = 0 seconds and Printable Set is = 3-6 seconds),这意味着语句 printJob.printDialog() 需要时间。可能是什么原因造成的?

  4. 正如其他问题所证明的那样,Java 打印似乎很慢。如果是这样,我可以使用任何其他用于 Java 页面打印的 API吗?

  5. 即使我只添加了一个 printableImage 函数 print() 似乎也被多次调用(2-3次),控制台上的“输入的打印命令”就证明了这一点。这是对的吗 ?
  6. 尽管整个 printDocument() 是在单独的线程中启动的,但它会挂起我的应用程序。怎么会这样。我在这里做错了什么?

标签: javajava-print

