首页 > 解决方案 > 无法从 ExpressJS res.locals.connection.query() 语句中设置变量



我已经让更新/插入工作,但现在我无法从查询中返回用户 ID(uid 或 UserID)。


基本上,执行插入/更新的查询嵌套在另一个内部,即 post_assert 内部。我需要将刚刚配置的用户的 iresults.insertId 值和来自第一级查询的 results[0].nid 的结果保存到“cookieData”数组中。

现在,我正在获取 cookie 的其余部分(名字、姓氏、用户名、电子邮件、wwwid、国家和地理位置,但对于我来说,在它被发送回之前无法将 cookieData.userid 属性添加到其中到浏览器。

这是一个将数据发送回 VueJS 应用程序的 expressJS REST API。


sp.post_assert(idp, options, function (err, saml_response) {
        if (err)
        var sessionID = saml_response.response_header.id;
        setCookie(res, req, sessionID);
        var refererLocation = req.cookies.referLocation;
        // Set User Data Variables
        const firstName = saml_response.user.attributes.givenName;
        const middleName = null;
        const lastName = saml_response.user.attributes.sn;
        const username = saml_response.user.attributes.uid;
        const email = saml_response.user.attributes.mail;
        const wwid = saml_response.user.attributes.employeeID;
        const country = saml_response.user.attributes.country;
        const geo = saml_response.user.attributes.geographicRegion;
        /*function setCookieData(val) {
          cookieData.userid = val;
        // let userid;
        // Check if user exists in DB
        res.locals.connection.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?', [username], function (error, results, fields) {
          if (error) throw error;
          // Get the Current Date-Time for insertion
          const accessDateTime = new Date();
          const adtYear = accessDateTime.getFullYear();
          const adtMonth = accessDateTime.getMonth() + 1;
          const adtDay = accessDateTime.getDate();
          const adtHour = accessDateTime.getHours();
          const adtMin = accessDateTime.getMinutes();
          const adtSec = accessDateTime.getSeconds();
          const dts = `${adtYear}-${adtMonth}-${adtDay} ${adtHour}:${adtMin}:${adtSec}`;
          // let userid;
          // If results is empty, then the user who just logged in does not currently have
          // an account provisioned, so set them up an account.
          if (!(results.hasOwnProperty(0))) {
            res.locals.connection.query('INSERT INTO users SET ?', {first_name: firstName, middle_name: middleName, last_name: lastName, username: username, email: email, status: 1, created: dts, access: dts, login: dts}, function (ierror, iresults, ifields){
              if (ierror) throw ierror;
              // Set the User Data Cookie
              // res.locals.userid = iresults.insertId;
              // setUserIdValue(iresults[0].insertId);
              // res.clearCookie('UserInfo');
              // res.cookie('UserInfo', cookieData);
              // cookieData.userid=iresults[0].insertId;
              // res.cookie('UserInfo', cookieData);
              app.locals.userid = iresults[0].insertId;
          // Else, the result was NOT empty, then the user already exists in the DB,
          // so just update their Access and Login DATETIME fields.
          } else {
            res.locals.connection.query('UPDATE users SET login = ?, access = ? WHERE uid = ?', [dts, dts, results[0].uid], function (ierror, iresults, ifields){
              if (ierror) throw ierror;
              // userid = results[0].uid;
              // Set the User Data Cookie
              // res.locals.userid = results[0].uid;
              // setUserIdValue(results[0].uid);
              // res.clearCookie('UserInfo');
              // res.cookie('UserInfo', cookieData);
              // cookieData.userid=results[0].uid;
              // res.cookie('UserInfo', cookieData);
              app.locals.userid = results[0].uid;
        const cookieData = {
          firstName: firstName,
          lastName: lastName,
          username: username,
          email: email,
          wwid: wwid,
          country: country,
          geo: geo,
          userid: app.locals.userid,
        res.cookie('UserInfo', cookieData);
        //Add saml ID to database with expiration date
        if (refererLocation != undefined) {
            res.redirect('https://www.example.com' + refererLocation);
        } else {
        // Save name_id and session_index for logout
        // Note:  In practice these should be saved in the user session, not globally.
        // name_id = saml_response.user.givenName + "," + saml_response.sn;
        // session_index = saml_response.user.session_index;
        //var first = saml_response.user.attributes.givenName;
        //var last = saml_response.user.attributes.sn;
        //res.send("Hello, " + first + " " + last);

编辑(2018 年 9 月 11 日)

我已将其分解为最简单的概念,但仍然无法让它将“userid”值返回到 cookie 中。即使将所有内容都设置为 ASYNC 和 AWAIT。

app.post('/api/v1/saml/acs', function (req, res) {
    const options = {
        request_body: req.body,
        allow_unencrypted_assertion: true
    sp.post_assert(idp, options, async function (err, saml_response) {
        if (err)
        const sessionID = saml_response.response_header.id;
        const user = saml_response.user.attributes;
        // Set User Data Variables
        const firstName = user.givenName;
        const middleName = null;
        const lastName = user.sn;
        const username = user.uid;
        const email = user.mail;
        const wwid = user.employeeID;
        const country = user.country;
        const geo = user.geographicRegion;
        app.locals.UserData = {
          firstName: firstName,
          lastName: lastName,
          username: username,
          email: email,
          wwid: wwid,
          country: country,
          geo: geo,
          // userid: '',
        // Check if user exists in DB
        await res.locals.connection.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?', [app.locals.UserData.username], async function (error, results, fields) {
          if (error) throw error;
          // Get the Current Date-Time for insertion
          const accessDateTime = new Date();
          const adtYear = accessDateTime.getFullYear();
          const adtMonth = accessDateTime.getMonth() + 1;
          const adtDay = accessDateTime.getDate();
          const adtHour = accessDateTime.getHours();
          const adtMin = accessDateTime.getMinutes();
          const adtSec = accessDateTime.getSeconds();
          const dts = `${adtYear}-${adtMonth}-${adtDay} ${adtHour}:${adtMin}:${adtSec}`;
          // If results is empty, then the user who just logged in does not currently have
          // an account provisioned, so set them up an account.
          if (!(results.hasOwnProperty(0))) {
            await res.locals.connection.query('INSERT INTO users SET ?', {first_name: app.locals.UserData.firstName, middle_name: app.locals.UserData.middleName, last_name: app.locals.UserData.lastName, username: app.locals.UserData.username, email: app.locals.UserData.email, status: 1, created: dts, access: dts, login: dts}, async function (ierror, iresults, ifields){
              if (ierror) throw ierror;
              app.locals.UserData.userid = 22;
              // app.locals.UserData.userid = iresults.insertID;
          } else {
            await res.locals.connection.query('UPDATE users SET login = ?, access = ? WHERE uid = ?', [dts, dts, results[0].uid], async function (ierror, iresults, ifields){
              if (ierror) throw ierror;
              app.locals.UserData.userid = 44;
              // app.locals.UserData.userid = results[0].uid;
        // Set User Session Cookie
        res.cookie('UserData', app.locals.UserData);
        // Set SAML Session Cookie
        setCookie(res, req, sessionID);
        // Get the referrer location
        var refererLocation = req.cookies.referLocation;
        // If it is undefined, then send the user back to where they started the Sign On process.
        if (refererLocation != undefined) {
            res.redirect('https://www.example.com' + refererLocation);
        } else {

对 dmfay 的回应

我相信我已经听从了你的建议,但它仍然没有返回 'userid' 属性。


app.post('/api/va/saml/acs', function (){...});


sp.post_assert(idp, options, async function(...){
    // logic here with nested calls trying to update app.locals.UserData

我还尝试了 post_assert 之外的“next()”调用,我收到了这条消息:

Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client


app.post('/api/v1/saml/acs', function (req, res, next) {
    const options = {
        request_body: req.body,
        allow_unencrypted_assertion: true
    sp.post_assert(idp, options, async function (err, saml_response) {
        if (err)
        const sessionID = saml_response.response_header.id;
        const user = saml_response.user.attributes;
        // Set User Data Variables
        const firstName = user.givenName;
        const middleName = null;
        const lastName = user.sn;
        const username = user.uid;
        const email = user.mail;
        const wwid = user.employeeID;
        const country = user.country;
        const geo = user.geographicRegion;
        app.locals.UserData = {
          firstName: firstName,
          lastName: lastName,
          username: username,
          email: email,
          wwid: wwid,
          country: country,
          geo: geo,
          // userid: '',
        // Check if user exists in DB
        await res.locals.connection.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?', [app.locals.UserData.username], async function (error, results, fields) {
          if (error) throw error;
          // Get the Current Date-Time for insertion
          const accessDateTime = new Date();
          const adtYear = accessDateTime.getFullYear();
          const adtMonth = accessDateTime.getMonth() + 1;
          const adtDay = accessDateTime.getDate();
          const adtHour = accessDateTime.getHours();
          const adtMin = accessDateTime.getMinutes();
          const adtSec = accessDateTime.getSeconds();
          const dts = `${adtYear}-${adtMonth}-${adtDay} ${adtHour}:${adtMin}:${adtSec}`;
          // If results is empty, then the user who just logged in does not currently have
          // an account provisioned, so set them up an account.
          if (!(results.hasOwnProperty(0))) {
            await res.locals.connection.query('INSERT INTO users SET ?', {first_name: app.locals.UserData.firstName, middle_name: app.locals.UserData.middleName, last_name: app.locals.UserData.lastName, username: app.locals.UserData.username, email: app.locals.UserData.email, status: 1, created: dts, access: dts, login: dts}, async function (ierror, iresults, ifields){
              if (ierror) throw ierror;
              app.locals.UserData.userid = 22;
              // app.locals.UserData.userid = iresults.insertID;
          } else {
            await res.locals.connection.query('UPDATE users SET login = ?, access = ? WHERE uid = ?', [dts, dts, results[0].uid], async function (ierror, iresults, ifields){
              if (ierror) throw ierror;
              app.locals.UserData.userid = 44;
              // app.locals.UserData.userid = results[0].uid;
        // Set User Session Cookie
        res.cookie('UserData', app.locals.UserData);
        // Set SAML Session Cookie
        setCookie(res, req, sessionID);
        // Get the referrer location
        var refererLocation = req.cookies.referLocation;
        // If it is undefined, then send the user back to where they started the Sign On process.
        if (refererLocation != undefined) {
            res.redirect('https://www.example.com' + refererLocation);
        } else {


谢谢 DMFAY 和 BennetQuigley。此问题已得到解决。


app.post('/api/v1/saml/acs', function (req, res, next) {
    const options = {
        request_body: req.body,
        allow_unencrypted_assertion: true
    sp.post_assert(idp, options, function (err, saml_response) {
        if (err)
        // Get the Sessions ID
        const sessionID = saml_response.response_header.id;
        // Set the returned User Info to a Variable
        const user = saml_response.user.attributes;
        // Set the app.locals.UserData variable
        app.locals.UserData = {
          firstName: user.givenName,
          middleName: null,
          lastName: user.sn,
          username: user.uid,
          email: user.mail,
          wwid: user.employeeID,
          country: user.country,
          geo: user.geographicRegion,
        // Check if user exists in DB
        res.locals.connection.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?', [app.locals.UserData.username], function (error, results, fields) {
          if (error) throw error;
          // Get the Current Date-Time for Insert/Update of user logon history
          const accessDateTime = new Date();
          const adtYear = accessDateTime.getFullYear();
          const adtMonth = accessDateTime.getMonth() + 1;
          const adtDay = accessDateTime.getDate();
          const adtHour = accessDateTime.getHours();
          const adtMin = accessDateTime.getMinutes();
          const adtSec = accessDateTime.getSeconds();
          const dts = `${adtYear}-${adtMonth}-${adtDay} ${adtHour}:${adtMin}:${adtSec}`;
          // If results is empty, then the user who just logged in does not currently have
          // an account provisioned, so set them up an account.
          if (!(results.hasOwnProperty(0))) {
            res.locals.connection.query('INSERT INTO users SET ?', {
              first_name: app.locals.UserData.firstName,
              middle_name: app.locals.UserData.middleName,
              last_name: app.locals.UserData.lastName,
              username: app.locals.UserData.username,
              email: app.locals.UserData.email,
              status: 1,
              created: dts,
              access: dts,
              login: dts
            }, function (ierror, iresults, ifields){
              if (ierror) throw ierror;
              // set the app.locals.UserData.userid value to the newly inserted ID
              app.locals.UserData.userid = `["${iresults.insertID}"]`;
              // From here to 'next()' has to be repeated in both cases
              // 'next()' must be used to return the values and actions to the parent
              // Call.
              // Set User Session Cookie
              res.cookie('UserData', app.locals.UserData);
              // Set SAML Session Cookie
              setCookie(res, req, sessionID);
              // Get the referrer location
              var refererLocation = req.cookies.referLocation;
              // If it is undefined, then send the user back to where they started the Sign On process.
              if (refererLocation != undefined) {
                  res.redirect('https://clpstaging.mcafee.com' + refererLocation);
              } else {
              // Tell the callback to move forward with the actions.
          } else {
            res.locals.connection.query('UPDATE users SET login = ?, access = ? WHERE uid = ?', [dts, dts, results[0].uid], function (ierror, iresults, ifields){
              if (ierror) throw ierror;
              // Set the app.locals.UserData.userid to the Users PK
              app.locals.UserData.userid = results[0].uid;
              // From here to 'next()' has to be repeated in both cases
              // 'next()' must be used to return the values and actions to the parent
              // Call.
              // Set User Session Cookie
              res.cookie('UserData', app.locals.UserData);
              // Set SAML Session Cookie
              setCookie(res, req, sessionID);
              // Get the referrer location
              var refererLocation = req.cookies.referLocation;
              // If it is undefined, then send the user back to where they started the Sign On process.
              if (refererLocation != undefined) {
                  res.redirect('https://www.example.com' + refererLocation);
              } else {
              // Tell the callback to move forward with the actions.

标签: node.jsexpresssession-cookies


您的 post_assert 回调是异步的,但您的路由回调不是,因此路由逻辑在 post_assert 回调完成之前完成。可能您使用 Express 最简单的方法是使用app.post(url, function (req, res, next) {...})签名并next()在您完成写入 cookie 并设置重定向后作为 post_assert 回调的最后一步调用。
