首页 > 解决方案 > Fabric8 安装失败并显示 /var/lib/pgsql/passwd:权限被拒绝


我只是将 Fabric8 安装到 Google Container Engine 中,并且每个数据库 pod(auth-db、wit-db、init-tenant-db、keycloak-db)都无法启动并出现错误:

/usr/share/container-scripts/postgresql/common.sh: line 127: /var/lib/pgsql/passwd: Permission denied

我猜这是由于 PostgreSQL Docker 映像中 Fabric8 的不兼容更改造成的。


标签: postgresqlfabric8


You are running into exactly this

You can try either:

  1. Rebuild the pg 9.6 image using this and push to your Docker registry and change the k8s StatefulSet/Pod definition
  2. Change the StatefulSet/Pod definition in k8s to use the pg 10 image. Perhaps: registry.centos.org/postgresql/postgresql:10
  3. Build the pg 10 image using this and repeat at 1.
