首页 > 解决方案 > 对等节点状态命令在超级账本结构网络中无法正常工作


我有这样的问题。我对超级账本结构非常陌生。我在visual studio代码中将一个shell附加到一个正在运行的对等容器并在该终端中点击对等节点启动命令它给了我一个错误说,

2018-09-13 09:08:04.621 UTC [nodeCmd] status -> INFO 040 Error trying to get status from local peer: rpc error: code = Unknown desc
= access denied
Error: Error trying to connect to local peer: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = access denied


标签: dockerhyperledger-fabric


edit: the problem is you are using an old card with a new setup. when you create the app and then restarted the environment, it leads to the regeneration of the certificates.

I guess the problem is the FABRIC_VERSION. When you set it to hlfv1 and get bash into peer container (docker exec -it peer0.org1.example.com bash), the peer commands are working properly but when you set it to hlfv12 there are some peer commands are not working. I guess there is something wrong with the startup scripts. There is no "creds" folder exists under hlfv12/composer like hlfv1/composer by the way..
