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I'm developing a payment application for Android. I've read all four EMV books (version 4.3) which I used to implement the protocol for the communication with a terminal. I also bought the terminal simulator kit from Mastercard for testing my application.

With this simulator I'm able to read data from my real, physical debit card to get informations like the issuer public key certificate, etc. I put these informations into my application to "simulate" a card. But there is some data I don't receive through the terminal simulator like the Issuer Master Key for generating the Application Cryptogram.

So my question is if there is any possibility to get the missing data? Maybe it's online available? Or do I have to cooperate with an issuer bank? Sorry for this general question but I really appreciate every tip you have for me! Thank you!

标签: paymentemvpos


发行者主密钥生成并保存在发行者的主机 HSM 中。每张已发行的卡都装有来自发行者主密钥的派生密钥。因此,每张卡都有自己的派生密钥。由于密钥用于应用密码计算并且必须信任 AC,因此永远无法读取密钥(如果可以,则 EMV 的安全性被破坏)。因此,发行人不会与任何人共享发行人主密钥,而只会保存在 HSM 中!
