首页 > 解决方案 > 如何“在其他图形选项中包装 [DCdensity] 以修改绘图”?rdd 包


我正在使用rdd(回归不连续性设计)包的DCdensity功能,并想更改绘图的外观。我去了这个函数的帮助文件,在下面找到了以下内容plot:“用户可以将此函数包装在附加的图形选项中以修改绘图。” 我该如何在实践中做到这一点?

我注意到我的问题与rdd::DCdensity 中的 R 绘图选项相同。但是,这个老问题的一个答案对我来说并不满意,因为我不想更改全局绘图选项,而是想在本地/专门为每个应用程序更改它们(例如,更改垂直线)。

这是一个 MWE(直接来自帮助文件):



更改 x 轴:




标签: rplotgraphargumentsregression




myDCdensity <- function(runvar, cutpoint, my_abline = 0, my_title = "Default"){

  # get the default plot
  myplot <- DCdensity(runvar, cutpoint)

  # 'additional graphical options to modify the plot'
  abline(v = my_abline)
  title(main = my_title)

  # return

# run to verify
x <- runif(1000, -1, 1)
x <- x + 2 * (runif(1000, -1, 1) > 0 & x < 0)
myDCdensity(x, 0)
myDCdensity(x, 0, my_abline = 0.4, my_title = "Some other title")

您提到您还想设置xlim. 这里的情况更复杂,因为这个选项被传递给plot函数,而且一旦绘制了图,你似乎就无法修改它,所以“包装”对你没有帮助。如果你也需要控制xlim,最简单的方法是根据原始代码编写自己的函数:



DCdensity2 <- function (runvar, cutpoint, bin = NULL, bw = NULL, verbose = FALSE, 
          plot = TRUE, ext.out = FALSE, htest = FALSE, my_xlim = c(-0.5,0.5)) # my_xlim param added
  runvar <- runvar[complete.cases(runvar)]
  rn <- length(runvar)
  rsd <- sd(runvar)
  rmin <- min(runvar)
  rmax <- max(runvar)
  if (missing(cutpoint)) {
  if (verbose) 
  cat("Assuming cutpoint of zero.\n")
  cutpoint <- 0
  if (cutpoint <= rmin | cutpoint >= rmax) {
  stop("Cutpoint must lie within range of runvar")
  if (is.null(bin)) {
  bin <- 2 * rsd * rn^(-1/2)
  if (verbose) 
  cat("Using calculated bin size: ", sprintf("%.3f", 
  bin), "\n")
  l <- floor((rmin - cutpoint)/bin) * bin + bin/2 + cutpoint
  r <- floor((rmax - cutpoint)/bin) * bin + bin/2 + cutpoint
  lc <- cutpoint - (bin/2)
  rc <- cutpoint + (bin/2)
  j <- floor((rmax - rmin)/bin) + 2
  binnum <- round((((floor((runvar - cutpoint)/bin) * bin + 
  bin/2 + cutpoint) - l)/bin) + 1)
  cellval <- rep(0, j)
  for (i in seq(1, rn)) {
  cnum <- binnum[i]
  cellval[cnum] <- cellval[cnum] + 1
  cellval <- (cellval/rn)/bin
  cellmp <- seq(from = 1, to = j, by = 1)
  cellmp <- floor(((l + (cellmp - 1) * bin) - cutpoint)/bin) * 
  bin + bin/2 + cutpoint
  if (is.null(bw)) {
  leftofc <- round((((floor((lc - cutpoint)/bin) * bin + 
  bin/2 + cutpoint) - l)/bin) + 1)
  rightofc <- round((((floor((rc - cutpoint)/bin) * bin + 
  bin/2 + cutpoint) - l)/bin) + 1)
  if (rightofc - leftofc != 1) {
  stop("Error occurred in bandwidth calculation")
  cellmpleft <- cellmp[1:leftofc]
  cellmpright <- cellmp[rightofc:j]
  P.lm <- lm(cellval ~ poly(cellmp, degree = 4, raw = T), 
  subset = cellmp < cutpoint)
  mse4 <- summary(P.lm)$sigma^2
  lcoef <- coef(P.lm)
  fppleft <- 2 * lcoef[3] + 6 * lcoef[4] * cellmpleft + 
  12 * lcoef[5] * cellmpleft * cellmpleft
  hleft <- 3.348 * (mse4 * (cutpoint - l)/sum(fppleft * 
  P.lm <- lm(cellval ~ poly(cellmp, degree = 4, raw = T), 
  subset = cellmp >= cutpoint)
  mse4 <- summary(P.lm)$sigma^2
  rcoef <- coef(P.lm)
  fppright <- 2 * rcoef[3] + 6 * rcoef[4] * cellmpright + 
  12 * rcoef[5] * cellmpright * cellmpright
  hright <- 3.348 * (mse4 * (r - cutpoint)/sum(fppright * 
  bw = 0.5 * (hleft + hright)
  if (verbose) 
  cat("Using calculated bandwidth: ", sprintf("%.3f", 
  bw), "\n")
  if (sum(runvar > cutpoint - bw & runvar < cutpoint) == 0 | 
  sum(runvar < cutpoint + bw & runvar >= cutpoint) == 0) 
  stop("Insufficient data within the bandwidth.")
  if (plot) {
  d.l <- data.frame(cellmp = cellmp[cellmp < cutpoint], 
  cellval = cellval[cellmp < cutpoint], dist = NA, 
  est = NA, lwr = NA, upr = NA)
  pmin <- cutpoint - 2 * rsd
  pmax <- cutpoint + 2 * rsd
  for (i in 1:nrow(d.l)) {
  d.l$dist <- d.l$cellmp - d.l[i, "cellmp"]
  w <- kernelwts(d.l$dist, 0, bw, kernel = "triangular")
  newd <- data.frame(dist = 0)
  pred <- predict(lm(cellval ~ dist, weights = w, data = d.l), 
  interval = "confidence", newdata = newd)
  d.l$est[i] <- pred[1]
  d.l$lwr[i] <- pred[2]
  d.l$upr[i] <- pred[3]
  d.r <- data.frame(cellmp = cellmp[cellmp >= cutpoint], 
  cellval = cellval[cellmp >= cutpoint], dist = NA, 
  est = NA, lwr = NA, upr = NA)
  for (i in 1:nrow(d.r)) {
  d.r$dist <- d.r$cellmp - d.r[i, "cellmp"]
  w <- kernelwts(d.r$dist, 0, bw, kernel = "triangular")
  newd <- data.frame(dist = 0)
  pred <- predict(lm(cellval ~ dist, weights = w, data = d.r), 
  interval = "confidence", newdata = newd)
  d.r$est[i] <- pred[1]
  d.r$lwr[i] <- pred[2]
  d.r$upr[i] <- pred[3]
  plot(d.l$cellmp, d.l$est, lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = "black", # xlim set here based on the parameter
  type = "l", xlim = my_xlim, ylim = c(min(cellval[cellmp <= 
  pmax & cellmp >= pmin]), max(cellval[cellmp <= 
  pmax & cellmp >= pmin])), xlab = NA, ylab = NA, 
  main = NA)
  lines(d.l$cellmp, d.l$lwr, lty = 2, lwd = 1, col = "black", 
  type = "l")
  lines(d.l$cellmp, d.l$upr, lty = 2, lwd = 1, col = "black", 
  type = "l")
  lines(d.r$cellmp, d.r$est, lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = "black", 
  type = "l")
  lines(d.r$cellmp, d.r$lwr, lty = 2, lwd = 1, col = "black", 
  type = "l")
  lines(d.r$cellmp, d.r$upr, lty = 2, lwd = 1, col = "black", 
  type = "l")
  points(cellmp, cellval, type = "p", pch = 20)
  cmp <- cellmp
  cval <- cellval
  padzeros <- ceiling(bw/bin)
  jp <- j + 2 * padzeros
  if (padzeros >= 1) {
  cval <- c(rep(0, padzeros), cellval, rep(0, padzeros))
  cmp <- c(seq(l - padzeros * bin, l - bin, bin), cellmp, 
  seq(r + bin, r + padzeros * bin, bin))
  dist <- cmp - cutpoint
  w <- 1 - abs(dist/bw)
  w <- ifelse(w > 0, w * (cmp < cutpoint), 0)
  w <- (w/sum(w)) * jp
  fhatl <- predict(lm(cval ~ dist, weights = w), newdata = data.frame(dist = 0))[[1]]
  w <- 1 - abs(dist/bw)
  w <- ifelse(w > 0, w * (cmp >= cutpoint), 0)
  w <- (w/sum(w)) * jp
  fhatr <- predict(lm(cval ~ dist, weights = w), newdata = data.frame(dist = 0))[[1]]
  thetahat <- log(fhatr) - log(fhatl)
  sethetahat <- sqrt((1/(rn * bw)) * (24/5) * ((1/fhatr) + 
  z <- thetahat/sethetahat
  p <- 2 * pnorm(abs(z), lower.tail = FALSE)
  if (verbose) {
  cat("Log difference in heights is ", sprintf("%.3f", 
  thetahat), " with SE ", sprintf("%.3f", sethetahat), 
  cat("  this gives a z-stat of ", sprintf("%.3f", z), 
  cat("  and a p value of ", sprintf("%.3f", p), "\n")
  if (ext.out) 
  return(list(theta = thetahat, se = sethetahat, z = z, 
  p = p, binsize = bin, bw = bw, cutpoint = cutpoint, 
  data = data.frame(cellmp, cellval)))
  else if (htest) {
  structure(list(statistic = c(z = z), p.value = p, method = "McCrary (2008) sorting test", 
  parameter = c(binwidth = bin, bandwidth = bw, cutpoint = cutpoint), 
  alternative = "no apparent sorting"), class = "htest")
  else return(p)


DCdensity2(x, 0)
DCdensity2(x, 0, my_xlim = c(-5, 5))
