首页 > 解决方案 > Does CNTK C# API support ConvTranspose?


I have a custom dnn model that I have defined and trained in PyTorch that I am trying to deploy in an application written in C# via ONNX.

When I load the model I have the following error:

ONNX -> CNTK import failure

After some testing, I have found that this only happens when I add the upsampling side of the network (which uses transposed convolution) back in.

The Python API pages here show a convolution_transpose function but I cannot find one in the C# API.


标签: c#convolutioncntk


您可能需要更新您的 CNTK,新版本 (2.6) 已于几天前推出,在发行说明中描述了对 ONNX 的更新:

对 ConvolutionTranspose 导出和导入进行大修。> 完全支持 output_shape、output_padding 和 pads 等属性。
