首页 > 解决方案 > Unable to switch to a different user using become_user


I am writing Ansible playbook to create key-based ssh access on several hosts with a particular user. I have following servers:

  1. automation_host

  2. Master

  3. Slave1

  4. Slave2

From automation host I will trigger Ansible to run the playbook which should first login to master with user1, then switch to user2, create ssh keys with user2 and copy the id_rsa.pub to slave nodes.

Inventory file contents:


playbook.yml file:

- hosts: master
  become_user: user2
  become: yes
     - name: passwordless-ssh

User2 is available on all hosts (except automation_host) and is added in sudoers as well.

In the passwordless-ssh role, I have added the lines included below to check which user is currently executing the tasks.

- name: get the username running the deploy
  local_action: command whoami
  register: username_on_the_host

- debug: var=username_on_the_host

Debug message shows user1 ( I am expecting it to be user2) ansible version: 2.5.2

I am very new to Ansible.

标签: ansibleansible-2.x


local_action will run on automation_host, change it to command

- hosts: master
  become_user: user2
  become: yes
  - name: get the username running the deploy
    command: whoami
    register: username_on_the_host

  - debug: var=username_on_the_host['stdout']

  - name: do something
    command: echo 'hello'
    when: username_on_the_host['stdout'] == 'user2'
  - name: do something else
    command: echo 'goodby'
    when: username_on_the_host['stdout'] == 'user1'


TASK [debug] *********************************************
ok: [master] => {
    "username_on_the_host['stdout']": "user2"

TASK [do something] *********************************************
changed: [master]

TASK [do something else] *********************************************

do something else does not run.
