首页 > 解决方案 > Elasticsearch synonym issue


I've had a look on the other questions surrounding this problem but it doesn't seem to help.

I'm having to change an input of "i phone" or "i Phone" to query "iPhone" in Elasticsearch.

As you can see, I have tried most everything I can think of, including simply "phone => iPhone" and leaving the "i" in there to hang around and possibly add it to the stopwords.

I've tried using "simple", "keyword", "standard" and "whitespace" for my custom analyzer.

Can anyone spot where I've gone wrong, this is the last problem before I can finish my project so it'd be appreciated. Thanks

P.S. Bonus points if you include how I can do auto suggest on inputs, thanks

Below is my code

public static CreateIndexDescriptor GetMasterProductDescriptor(string indexName = "shopmaster")
            var indexDescriptor = new CreateIndexDescriptor(indexName)
                .Settings(s => s
                            .Analysis(a => a
                                .TokenFilters(t => t
                                    .Stop("my_stop", st => st
                                        .StopWords("_english_", "new", "cheap")
                                    .Synonym("my_synonym", st => st
                                            "phone => iPhone"
                                        //"i phone => iPhone",
                                        //"i Phone => iPhone"
                                    .Snowball("my_snowball", st => st
                                .Analyzers(an => an
                                    .Custom("my_analyzer", ca => ca
                    ms => ms.Map<MasterProduct>(
                        m => m.AutoMap()
                                ps => ps
                                    .Nested<MasterProductAttributes>(p => p.Name(n => n.MasterAttributes))
                                    .Nested<MasterProductAttributes>(p => p.Name(n => n.ProductAttributes))
                                    .Nested<MasterProductAttributeType>(p => p.Name(n => n.MasterAttributeTypes))
                                    .Nested<Feature>(p => p.Name(n => n.Features))
                                    .Nested<RelatedProduct>(p => p.Name(n => n.RelatedProducts))
                                        p => p.Name(
                                                n => n.Products
                                            .Properties(prop => prop.Boolean(
                                                b => b.Name(n => n.InStock)
                                    .Boolean(b => b.Name(n => n.InStock))
                                    .Number(t => t.Name(n => n.UnitsSold).Type(NumberType.Integer))
                                        tx => tx.Name(e => e.ManufacturerName)
                                            .Fields(fs => fs.Keyword(ss => ss.Name("manufacturer"))
                                                    .TokenCount(t => t.Name("MasterProductId")
            return indexDescriptor;

标签: elasticsearchlucenenest




词干不应该应用在同义词之前(除非你知道你在做什么,并且正在比较词干后的词)。我相信,Snowball 会将“iphone”转换为“iphon”,因此这是您遇到麻烦的另一个领域。


