首页 > 解决方案 > 递归函数不返回任何东西,即使它看起来像是要返回





为此,我编写了一个名为 swapper 的递归函数,我在别处调用它。我给它输入了一个数字列表。如果它可以正常工作

def swapper(digits, beginning):
    print 'running: digits, beginning: ', digits, beginning
    if len(digits) > 0: #If there is anything left in the number, continue checking if the first digit is the largest)
        if digits.index(max(digits)) == 0:
            print 'iterating: digits, beginning = ', digits[1:], beginning
            swapper(digits[1:], beginning) #recursively run the function with a smaller digit list
            digits[digits.index(max(digits))], digits[0] = digits[0], 
            return beginning + digits
    else: #If there is nothing left in the number, return the beginning list
          #which is just all the digits at this point
        print 'returning beginning'
        print 'beginning: ', beginning
        return beginning

#pseudocode here: digits = digits(digits of the number) 
results = swapper(digits, [])
print 'results: ', results

如果它从不点击交换器中注释的“else”,它会起作用,但如果它确实如此,它似乎不会返回任何东西。使用示例编号 9973,标准输出为:

running: digits, beginning:  [9, 9, 7, 3] []
iterating: digits, beginning =  [9, 7, 3] [9]
running: digits, beginning:  [9, 7, 3] [9]
iterating: digits, beginning =  [7, 3] [9, 9]
running: digits, beginning:  [7, 3] [9, 9]
iterating: digits, beginning =  [3] [9, 9, 7]
running: digits, beginning:  [3] [9, 9, 7]
iterating: digits, beginning =  [] [9, 9, 7, 3]
running: digits, beginning:  [] [9, 9, 7, 3]
returning beginning
beginning:  [9, 9, 7, 3]
results:  None

看起来它正确地将数字分区到开始列表中。然后它正确打印“开始:”,开始。该列表存在并且它是 [9,9,7,3] 就像我期望的那样。然后它应该返回那个。但是当我在函数之外打印结果时,它只是无。为什么?

它通过另一个 return 语句(说“返回开头 + 数字”的语句)正确返回。

标签: pythonrecursion



您需要返回递归调用的结果。在您的情况下,将递归调用放在return前面。swapper(digits[1:], beginning)


def swapper(digits, beginning):
    print 'running: digits, beginning: ', digits, beginning
    if len(digits) > 0: #If there is anything left in the number, continue checking if the first digit is the largest)
        if digits.index(max(digits)) == 0:
            print 'iterating: digits, beginning = ', digits[1:], beginning
            # ADDED: return
            return swapper(digits[1:], beginning) #recursively run the function with a smaller digit list
            digits[digits.index(max(digits))], digits[0] = digits[0], max(digits)
            return beginning + digits
    else: #If there is nothing left in the number, return the beginning list
          #which is just all the digits at this point
        print 'returning beginning'
        print 'beginning: ', beginning
        return beginning

#pseudocode here: digits = digits(digits of the number) 
results = swapper([9, 9, 7, 3],[])
print('results: ', results)


running: digits, beginning:  [9, 9, 7, 3] []
iterating: digits, beginning =  [9, 7, 3] [9]
running: digits, beginning:  [9, 7, 3] [9]
iterating: digits, beginning =  [7, 3] [9, 9]
running: digits, beginning:  [7, 3] [9, 9]
iterating: digits, beginning =  [3] [9, 9, 7]
running: digits, beginning:  [3] [9, 9, 7]
iterating: digits, beginning =  [] [9, 9, 7, 3]
running: digits, beginning:  [] [9, 9, 7, 3]
returning beginning
beginning:  [9, 9, 7, 3]
results: [9, 9, 7, 3]
