首页 > 解决方案 > 如何限制孩子在PHP中返回的深度



    [0] => 数组
            [id] => 10
            [父] => 0
            [用户名] => PDV
            [孩子] => 数组
                    [0] => 数组
                            [id] => 100
                            [父] => 10
                            [用户名] => Terminal de Vendas
                    [1] => 数组
                            [id] => 101
                            [父] => 10
                            [用户名] => 客户
                    [2] => 数组
                            [id] => 102
                            [父] => 10
                            [用户名] => Fechamento
                    [3] => 数组
                            [id] => 103
                            [父] => 10
                            [用户名] => Relatórios de Venda
                            [孩子] => 数组
                                    [0] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1004
                                            [父] => 103
                                            [用户名] => Relatório de Venda 1
                                    [1] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1005
                                            [父] => 103
                                            [用户名] => Relatório de Venda 2
    [1] => 数组
            [id] => 11
            [父] => 0
            [用户名] => Estoque
            [孩子] => 数组
                    [0] => 数组
                            [id] => 111
                            [父] => 11
                            [用户名] => 产品地籍
                    [1] => 数组
                            [id] => 112
                            [父] => 11
                            [用户名] => Entrada 产品
                    [2] => 数组
                            [id] => 113
                            [父] => 11
                            [用户名] => Relatórios de Estoque
                            [孩子] => 数组
                                    [0] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1104
                                            [父] => 113
                                            [用户名] => Relatório de Estoque A
                                    [1] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1105
                                            [父] => 113
                                            [用户名] => Relatório de Estoque B
    [2] => 数组
            [id] => 13
            [父] => 0
            [用户名] => Financeiro
            [孩子] => 数组
                    [0] => 数组
                            [id] => 126
                            [父] => 13
                            [用户名] => Notas de Entrada

                    [1] => 数组
                            [id] => 127
                            [父] => 13
                            [用户名] => Notas de Saída
                    [2] => 数组
                            [id] => 128
                            [父] => 13
                            [用户名] => 文达斯日记
                    [3] => 数组
                            [id] => 129
                            [父] => 13
                            [用户名] => Balanço
                    [4] => 数组
                            [id] => 130
                            [父] => 13
                            [用户名] => Relatórios
                            [孩子] => 数组
                                    [0] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1301
                                            [父] => 130
                                            [用户名] => Relatório 1
    [3] => 数组
            [id] => 12
            [父] => 0
            [用户名] => Sistema
            [孩子] => 数组
                    [0] => 数组
                            [id] => 107
                            [父] => 12
                            [用户名] => Ajuda...
                            [孩子] => 数组
                                    [0] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1008
                                            [父] => 107
                                            [用户名] => Conteúdo...
                                    [1] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1009
                                            [父] => 107
                                            [用户名] => 许可证
                                    [2] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1100
                                            [父] => 107
                                            [用户名] => 清醒...
                    [1] => 数组
                            [id] => 118
                            [父] => 12
                            [用户名] => Usuários
                            [孩子] => 数组
                                    [0] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1200
                                            [父] => 118
                                            [用户名] => 地籍
                                    [1] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1303
                                            [父] => 118
                                            [用户名] => Grupos
                                    [2] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1201
                                            [父] => 118
                                            [用户名] => Permissões
                                    [3] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1202
                                            [父] => 118
                                            [用户名] => Minha Conta
                                            [孩子] => 数组
                                                    [0] => 数组
                                                            [id] => 13002
                                                            [父] => 1202
                                                            [用户名] => Dados Pessoais
                                                            [孩子] => 数组
                                                                    [0] => 数组
                                                                            [id] => 130002
                                                                            [父] => 12002
                                                                            [用户名] => 测试 1
                                                                    [1] => 数组
                                                                            [id] => 130003
                                                                            [父] => 12002
                                                                            [用户名] => 测试 2
                                                    [1] => 数组
                                                            [id] => 12003
                                                            [父] => 1202
                                                            [用户名] => Alterar Senha
                                                            [孩子] => 数组
                                                                    [0] => 数组
                                                                            [id] => 130004
                                                                            [父] => 12003
                                                                            [用户名] => 测试 3
                                                    [2] => 数组
                                                            [id] => 1204
                                                            [父] => 1202
                                                            [用户名] => Sair
                    [2] => 数组
                            [id] => 125
                            [父] => 12
                            [用户名] => Preferências
                    [3] => 数组
                            [id] => 119
                            [父] => 12
                            [用户名] => 配置


我想得到这个结构的一部分。例如:以 ID 118 为基础,从该 ID 中返回没有父母和 1 级子级。他们调用一个函数:

$result = TreePartByID($source, 118, null, 1);

$source     Is the full array structure;
118         Is the ID to use as item base;
null        Is the number of parents to return from the ID 118. In this case, null represents the some iten with ID 118;
1           Is a depth of childrens to return from ID 118. This case is only immediate childrens relative to ID 118;


    [0] => 数组
            [id] => 118
            [父] => 12
            [用户名] => Usuários
            [孩子] => 数组
                    [0] => 数组
                            [id] => 1200
                            [父] => 118
                            [用户名] => 地籍
                    [1] => 数组
                            [id] => 1303
                            [父] => 118
                            [用户名] => Grupos
                    [2] => 数组
                            [id] => 1201
                            [父] => 118
                            [用户名] => Permissões
                    [3] => 数组
                            [id] => 1202
                            [父] => 118
                            [用户名] => Minha Conta
                            [孩子] => 真的



$ID        = ID of iten defined as default;
$parents   = Number of parents from the $ID. If null, retur the own $ID, else if 0(zero) return from the root and any number is the number of parents;
$childrens = Number of childrens from the $ID. if 0(zero) no return childrens;
函数 TreePartByID($ID, $parents=0, $childrens=1){


    返回 $arrayResult;

TreePartByID(118) 结果:o 完成引用 ao 项目 118 的路径

    [0] => 数组
            [id] => 12
            [父] => 0
            [用户名] => Sistema
            [孩子] => 数组
                    [0] => 数组
                            [id] => 118
                            [父] => 12
                            [用户名] => Usuários
                            [孩子] => 数组
                                    [0] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1200
                                            [父] => 118
                                            [用户名] => 地籍
                                    [1] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1303
                                            [父] => 118
                                            [用户名] => Grupos
                                    [2] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1201
                                            [父] => 118
                                            [用户名] => Permissões
                                    [3] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1202
                                            [父] => 118
                                            [用户名] => Minha Conta
                                            [孩子] => 数组
                                                    [0] => 数组
                                                            [id] => 13002
                                                            [父] => 1202
                                                            [用户名] => Dados Pessoais
                                                            [孩子] => 数组
                                                                    [0] => 数组
                                                                            [id] => 130002
                                                                            [父] => 12002
                                                                            [用户名] => 测试 1
                                                                    [1] => 数组
                                                                            [id] => 130003
                                                                            [父] => 12002
                                                                            [用户名] => 测试 2
                                                    [1] => 数组
                                                            [id] => 12003
                                                            [父] => 1202
                                                            [用户名] => Alterar Senha
                                                            [孩子] => 数组
                                                                    [0] => 数组
                                                                            [id] => 130004
                                                                            [父] => 12003
                                                                            [用户名] => 测试
                                                    [2] => 数组
                                                            [id] => 1204
                                                            [父] => 1202
                                                            [用户名] => Sair

TreePartByID(1202, 1, 1); // retorna 1 item como parent(118), e filhos imediatos do ID 1202 (1 nível);

    [0] => 数组
            [id] => 118
            [父] => 12
            [用户名] => Usuários
            [孩子] => 数组
                    [0] => 数组
                            [id] => 1202
                            [父] => 118
                            [用户名] => Minha Conta
                            [孩子] => 数组
                                    [0] => 数组
                                            [id] => 13002
                                            [父] => 1202
                                            [用户名] => Dados Pessoais
                                            [孩子] => 真的
                                    [1] => 数组
                                            [id] => 12003
                                            [父] => 1202
                                            [用户名] => Alterar Senha
                                            [孩子] => 真的
                                    [2] => 数组
                                            [id] => 1204
                                            [父] => 1202
                                            [用户名] => Sair

标签: phparraystreeparentchildren

