首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在测试中捕获从可观察订阅引发的异常


我不确定如何在 Angular 6 中使用 URL 参数处理异常。现在,Error当找不到 URL id 时,我的服务会抛出一个异常。在实际的应用程序中,我喜欢错误冒泡以被捕获和记录,但在我的 jasmine 测试中导致测试失败:

HeroDetailComponent should navigate to not found page
[object ErrorEvent] thrown

我已经尝试了各种try {} catch () {}块和catchError管道来处理 jasmine 中的错误,但在测试预期运行之后似乎没有任何东西能够捕捉到这个错误。

问题演示:https ://angular-observable-catch.stackblitz.io/

请注意,在 stackblitz 上,测试不会失败,但在我的应用程序中使用ng test.


Uncaught Error: Hero 999 not found.
    at HeroService.getHeroById (hero.service.ts:33)
    at SwitchMapSubscriber.eval [as project] (hero-detail.component.ts:46)
    at SwitchMapSubscriber._next (switchMap.ts:103)
    at SwitchMapSubscriber.Subscriber.next (Subscriber.ts:104)
    at ReplaySubject.Subject.next (Subject.ts:62)
    at ReplaySubject.nextInfiniteTimeWindow (ReplaySubject.ts:42)
    at ActivatedRouteStub.setParamMap (activated-route-stub.ts:56)
    at UserContext.eval (hero-detail.component.spec.ts:65)
    at ZoneDelegate.invoke (zone.js:388)
    at ProxyZoneSpec.onInvoke (zone-testing.js:288)

演示源代码:https ://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-observable-catch?file=src%2Fapp%2Fhero%2Fhero-detail.component.spec.ts

如何在我的 jasmine 测试中捕获此错误,以免导致未捕获错误?


我发现这是由AsyncPipe 订阅引起的,它会抛出 Observable/Promise/etc 的任何错误。

标签: angularjasmineobservable


我为这个问题找到的一种解决方法是用不会引发错误的 AsyncPipe 替换 TestBed 中的 AsyncPipe。


import { AsyncPipe } from '@angular/common';
import { Pipe } from '@angular/core';

 * When the AsyncPipe throws errors Jasmine cannot catch them and causes tests to fail.
 * For tests just log the error and move on.
 * Add this class to the TestBed.configureTestingModule declarations.
@Pipe({name: 'async', pure: false}) // tslint:disable-line:use-pipe-transform-interface
export class TestAsyncPipe extends AsyncPipe {
  transform(obj: any): any {
    const ret = super.transform(obj);
    const handleError = (err: any) => { console.error('AsyncPipe Template Exception', err); };
    // @ts-ignore: patch the Observable error handler to not throw an error in tests.
    this._subscription.destination._error = handleError;
    // What if the subscription is a Promise?
    return ret;


import { async, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';

import { TestAsyncPipe } from '../testing/test-async-pipe';

import { TestComponent} from './test.component';

describe('TestComponent', () => {
  beforeEach(async(() => {
      declarations: [ TestAsyncPipe, TestComponent],
