首页 > 解决方案 > Orientdb maximum number of classes


The orientdb documentation doesn't say anything about limitations regarding the number of classes. In practise it seems a large number of classes is limiting functionality.

I have a database with the Buildingsmart IFC classes as it's schema. This means I have a lot of classes. Every time a connection to the db is made, the server sends the complete list of classes (clusters). As a result, opening my database is taking too much time.

Is there a way to tell orientdb not to sent the list? I already know the internal db class structure, so I don't really have need for the list.

标签: schemaorientdborientdb2.2


OrientDB 支持的最大类数是数据库中集群数的函数。请参阅聚类部分

从 v2.2 开始,OrientDB 可以自动为每个 Class 创建多个集群,以提高并行性能。每个类创建的集群数等于服务器上可用的 CPU 内核数。每个班级还可以有更多的集群。数据库中的集群数限制为 32,767(或 2 15 - 1)

因此,对于 4 核 CPU,假设每个类都有默认的集群数,数据库中的总类数约为 8100。
