首页 > 解决方案 > 将虚拟地址从多级页表转换为物理地址


我正在尝试将虚拟内存地址转换为物理地址,但无法使其正常工作。我目前正在做一个操作系统作为作业,现在我必须为用户模式实现一个 printf 函数,所以当你调用 write 系统调用时,系统应该将用户模式下的数组内容打印到串口(现在),为此我必须将地址从虚拟地址转换为物理地址。


Pcb* pcb = getCR3(); // contains the page directory for usermode
setCR3(kernelPageDir); // set the CR3 register to the kernel page directory

uint32_t tableNum = (vAddr >> 22) & 0x3ffUL; // get the upper 10 bits
uint32_t pageIndex = (vAddr >> 12) & 0x3ffUL // get the middle 10 bits
uint32_t offset = vAddr & 0xfffUL; // get the 12 lower bits

uint32_t* topTable = pcb->pageDirectory[tableNum]; // Access the top level table
uint32_t lowTable = topTable[pageIndex]; // Entry to the 2nd table
uint32_t* addr = lowTable + offset; // Should be the physical address

serialPrintf("Structure: tableNum=%08x pageIndex=%08x  offset=%08x\n", tableNum, pageIndex, offset);
serialPrintf("Address: topTable=%08x lowTable=%08x addr=%08x\n",topTable, lowTable, addr);
serialPrintf("Char:%c", (char*)addr[0]);


Structure: tableNum=00000020 pageIndex=00000048  offset=00000378
Address: topTable=00000000 lowTable=0015d000 addr=0015d378
Page fault! errcode=00000000 addr=0015d378



标签: clinuxmemory-managementlinux-kernelvirtual-address-space


如果您为第一级表的最后一个(索引 1023)指向的第二级表中的最后一个(索引 1023)条目填写 pte,则:

0xfffff000 .. 0xfffffffc will by an alias of the first level table,

0xffc00000 .. 0xffffffff will be an alias of the entire (sparse) page table.


int vtop(unsigned vaddr, unsigned *pa) {
    unsigned *pdtb = (unsigned *)0xfffff000;
    unsigned *pte = (unsigned *)0xffc00000;
    if (ptdb[vaddr>>20] & 1) {
         if (pte[vaddr>>12] & 1) {
              *pa = pte[vaddr>>12] &~0xfff;
              return 0;
         return 2;
    return 1;

您可以对任何索引执行此操作并调整指针值,但如果变得更加混乱,并且 0xffc/20 不碍事。
