首页 > 解决方案 > 在 char 数组中查找 'A' 的最长路径



我需要创建一个程序,该程序通过从文件中读取的 char 数组。然后程序需要使用递归来找到与当前'A'相邻(非对角线)的'A'的最长连续路径。它只能对每个“A”计数一次,因此一旦到达路径的尽头,它就不能倒退。我正在使用的示例字符数组是:

8 13

Length of the longest A path is 23

8 表示列,13 表示数组的行。我已经设置了另一个布尔数组来跟踪是否已经计算了“A”。下面是遍历每个位置并调用递归函数的方法(看起来有点奇怪,第一次在这里发帖):

public int findLongestPathLength() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int i, j, x, y;
int numOfAs = 0;
int longestPath = 0;

// Create boolean array for checking if an 'A' has been counted or not
alreadyCounted = new boolean[numOfArrays][arrLength];

// Initialize all values in alreadyCounted array to false
for(i = 0; i < numOfArrays; i++) {
    for(j = 0; j < arrLength; j++ ) {
        alreadyCounted[i][j] = false;

for(i = 0; i < numOfArrays; i++) {
    for(j = 0; j < arrLength; j++ ) {
        if(map[i][j] == 'A') {
            alreadyCounted[i][j] = true;
            numOfAs = findPathLengthRecursive(i, j) + 1;

/* If this iteration of finding the longest path of 'A's is the longest
    so far, replace the longestPath value with this number of A's */
if(numOfAs > longestPath)
    longestPath = numOfAs;

// Initialize all values in alreadyCounted array back to false
    for(x = 0; x < numOfArrays - 1; x++) {
        for(y = 0; y < arrLength - 1; y++ ) {
            alreadyCounted[x][y] = false;

// Reset currentLength in findPathLengthRecursive back to 0
    currentLength = 0;


    return longestPath;

我创建的递归方法是: public int findPathLengthRecursive(int i, int j) { // TODO 自动生成的方法存根

    // To check if there is an 'A' to any of the sides of the current cell
    boolean left = true, right = true, up = true, down = true;

    /* Base case (when recursion should stop) is when there is no 'A's left to count in the path */ 
    if(j == 0 || (j > 0 && (map[i][j - 1] != 'A' || alreadyCounted[i][j - 1]))){
        left = false;

    if(j == arrLength - 1 || (j < arrLength - 1 && (map[i][j + 1] != 'A' || alreadyCounted[i][j + 1]))) {
        right = false;

    if(i == numOfArrays - 1 || (i < numOfArrays - 1 && (map[i + 1][j] != 'A' || alreadyCounted[i + 1][j]))) {
        down = false;
    if(i == 0 || (i > 0 && (map[i - 1][j] != 'A' || alreadyCounted[i - 1][j]))) {
        up = false;

    // If there is no valid 'A's around then return currentLength
    if(!left && !right && !down && !up) {
        return currentLength;
    } else {
        if(down && left && up && right) {
            alreadyCounted[i + 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i][j - 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i - 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i][j + 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            currentLength += Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i + 1, j), findPathLengthRecursive(i, j - 1)), findPathLengthRecursive(i - 1, j)), findPathLengthRecursive(i, j + 1));
        else if(left && up && right) {
            alreadyCounted[i][j - 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i - 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i][j + 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            currentLength += Math.max(Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i, j - 1), findPathLengthRecursive(i - 1, j)), findPathLengthRecursive(i, j + 1));
        else if(up && right && down) {
            alreadyCounted[i - 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i][j + 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i + 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            currentLength += Math.max(Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i - 1, j), findPathLengthRecursive(i, j + 1)), findPathLengthRecursive(i + 1, j));
        else if(right && down && left) {
            alreadyCounted[i][j + 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i + 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i][j - 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            currentLength += Math.max(Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i, j + 1), findPathLengthRecursive(i + 1, j)), findPathLengthRecursive(i, j - 1));
        else if(down && left && up) {
            alreadyCounted[i + 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i][j - 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i - 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            currentLength += Math.max(Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i + 1, j), findPathLengthRecursive(i, j - 1)), findPathLengthRecursive(i - 1, j));
        else if(left && right) {
            alreadyCounted[i][j - 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i][j + 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            currentLength += Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i, j - 1), findPathLengthRecursive(i, j + 1));

        else if(up && down) {
            alreadyCounted[i - 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i + 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            currentLength += Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i - 1, j), findPathLengthRecursive(i + 1, j)); 
        else if(left && up) {
            alreadyCounted[i][j - 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i - 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            currentLength += Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i, j - 1), findPathLengthRecursive(i - 1, j));
        else if(left && down) {
            alreadyCounted[i][j - 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i + 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            currentLength += Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i, j - 1), findPathLengthRecursive(i + 1, j));
        else if(right && up) {
            alreadyCounted[i][j + 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i - 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            currentLength += Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i, j + 1), findPathLengthRecursive(i - 1, j));
        else if(right && down) {
            alreadyCounted[i][j + 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            alreadyCounted[i + 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            currentLength += Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i, j + 1), findPathLengthRecursive(i + 1, j));
        else if(left) {
            alreadyCounted[i][j - 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            findPathLengthRecursive(i, j - 1); 
        else if(up) {
            alreadyCounted[i - 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            findPathLengthRecursive(i - 1, j); 
        else if(right) {
            alreadyCounted[i][j + 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            findPathLengthRecursive(i, j + 1); 
        else if(down) {
            alreadyCounted[i + 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
            findPathLengthRecursive(i + 1, j); 

    return currentLength;


无论我尝试什么,它似乎只是返回不接近我正在寻找的 23 的随机数。


136 70 1 3 70 58 1 56 70 36 37 1 3 60 53 69 85 66 69 85 66 54 43 63 51 49 79 84 109 142 2 1 139 2 1 87 116 119 118 06 132 3 2 4 13 16 132 3 2 4 13 16 1 1 166


标签: javaarraysrecursionchar


char [][]mat;

boolean visit[][];

int rowSize , columnSize;

int dx[] = {-1 , 0  ,  0 , +1};
int dy[] = { 0 , +1 , -1 ,  0};

int rec(int row , int col){

    visit[row][col] = true;

    int ret = 0;

    for(int k = 0 ; k < 4 ; ++k){
        int nr = row+dx[k];
        int nc = col+dy[k];

        if(nr < 0 || nr >= rowSize || nc < 0 || nc >= columnSize || visit[nr][nc] && mat[nr][nc] != 'A'){   
        ret += 1 + rec(nr , nc);

    return ret;


void main(){
    //todo input the matris and rowSize , columnSize

    //todo make all item of visit by 0;

    int mx = 0;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < rowSize; ++i){
        for(int j = 0 ; j < columnSize; ++j){
            int cur = rec(i ,j);
            mx = mx > cur ? mx : cur;

    //mx is answer

