首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么 Oracle 仍然为非开发人员桌面 JRE 提供 Java 8?


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随着 Java 11 的出现,普通消费者 JRE 落后了 3 个完整的功能版本。现在更新没有意义,还是 Oracle 只是打算让开发人员将其源代码兼容性设置为 Java 8?

标签: javajava-8


This is because they're switching to a long-term service (for stability) and non-long-term-service (for new features) model for support timelines. Java 8 was the previous LTS version, so for stability reasons, it has been the default version pushed on people and not 9 or 10.

Java 11 is their very latest LTS version, but it just came out. I'm assuming they want to iron out any found bugs before recommending it more generally, but you'd have to ask Oracle to find out for sure.
