首页 > 解决方案 > 您将选定的州放在 Raphael.js 地图的什么位置?


有人熟悉 Raphael.js 吗?

该站点使用 PHP 和 Wordpress,并使用 Raphael.js 创建了这些“交互式”地图。这两张地图位于两个不同的 WP Post 页面上。




(function($, document, window, Raphael, undefined) {
  // jQuery Plugin Factory
  function jQueryPluginFactory( $, name, methods, getters ){
    getters = getters instanceof Array ? getters : [];
    var getters_obj = {};
    for(var i=0; i<getters.length; i++){
      getters_obj[getters[i]] = true;
    // Create the object
    var Plugin = function(element){
      this.element = element;
    Plugin.prototype = methods;
    // Assign the plugin
    $.fn[name] = function(){
      var args = arguments;
      var returnValue = this;
      this.each(function() {
        var $this = $(this);
        var plugin = $this.data('plugin-'+name);
        // Init the plugin if first time
        if( !plugin ){
          plugin = new Plugin($this);
          $this.data('plugin-'+name, plugin);
            plugin._init.apply(plugin, args);
        // call a method
        } else if(typeof args[0] == 'string' && args[0].charAt(0) != '_' && typeof plugin[args[0]] == 'function'){
          var methodArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1);
          var r = plugin[args[0]].apply(plugin, methodArgs);
          // set the return value if method is a getter
          if( args[0] in getters_obj ){
            returnValue = r;
      return returnValue; // returning the jQuery object
  // Some constants
  var WIDTH = 930,
      HEIGHT = 630,
      LABELS_WIDTH = 70;
  // Default options
  var defaults = {
    // The styles for the state
    'stateStyles': {
      fill: "#E7E8E8",
      stroke: "#ADCEE9",
      "stroke-width": 1,
      "stroke-linejoin": "round",
      scale: [1, 1]
    // The styles for the hover
    'stateHoverStyles': {
      fill: "#17427A",
      stroke: "#F89B25",
      scale: [1.1, 1.1]
    // The time for the animation, set to false to remove the animation
    'stateHoverAnimation': 500,
    // State specific styles. 'ST': {}
    'stateSpecificStyles': {},
    // State specific hover styles
    'stateSpecificHoverStyles': {},
    // Events
    'click': null,
    'mouseover': null,
    'mouseout': null,
    'clickState': {},
    'mouseoverState': {},
    'mouseoutState': {},
    // Labels
    'showLabels' : true,
    'labelWidth': 20,
    'labelHeight': 15,
    'labelGap' : 6,
    'labelRadius' : 3,
    'labelBackingStyles': {
      fill: "#F89B25",
      stroke: "#666",
      "stroke-width": 1,
      "stroke-linejoin": "round",
      scale: [1, 1]
    // The styles for the hover
    'labelBackingHoverStyles': {
      fill: "#17427A",
      stroke: "#F89B25"
    'stateSpecificLabelBackingStyles': {},
    'stateSpecificLabelBackingHoverStyles': {},
    'labelTextStyles': {
      fill: "#fff",
      'stroke': 'none',
      'font-weight': 300,
      'stroke-width': 0,
      'font-size': '10px'
    // The styles for the hover
    'labelTextHoverStyles': {},
    'stateSpecificLabelTextStyles': {},
    'stateSpecificLabelTextHoverStyles': {}
  // Methods
  var methods = {
     * The init function
    _init: function(options) {
      // Save the options
      this.options = {};
      $.extend(this.options, defaults, options);
      // Save the width and height;
      var width = this.element.width();
      var height = this.element.height();
      // Calculate the width and height to match the container while keeping the labels at a fixed size
      var xscale = this.element.width()/WIDTH;
      var yscale = this.element.height()/HEIGHT;
      this.scale = Math.min(xscale, yscale);
      this.labelAreaWidth = Math.ceil(LABELS_WIDTH/this.scale); // The actual width with the labels reversed scaled
      var paperWidthWithLabels = WIDTH + Math.max(0, this.labelAreaWidth - LABELS_WIDTH);
      // Create the Raphael instances
      this.paper = Raphael(this.element.get(0), paperWidthWithLabels, HEIGHT);//this.element.width(), this.element.height());
      // Scale to fit
      this.paper.setSize(width, height);
      this.paper.setViewBox(0, 0, paperWidthWithLabels, HEIGHT, false);
      // Keep track of all the states
      this.stateHitAreas = {}; // transparent for the hit area
      this.stateShapes = {}; // for the visual shape
      this.topShape = null;
      // create all the states
      // create the labels for the smaller states
      this.labelShapes = {};
      this.labelTexts = {};
      this.labelHitAreas = {};
      if(this.options.showLabels) {
      // Add the 
     * Create the state objects
    _initCreateStates: function() {
      // TODO: Dynamic attrs
      var attr = this.options.stateStyles;
      var R = this.paper; // shorter name for usage here
      // The coords for each state
      var paths = {
        HI: "M 233.08751,519.30948 L 235.02744,515.75293 L 237.2907,515.42961 L 237.61402,516.23791 L 235.51242,519.30948 z M 243.27217,515.59127 L 249.4153,518.17784 L 251.51689,517.85452 L 253.1335,513.97465 L 252.48686,510.57977 L 248.28366,510.09479 L 244.24213,511.87306 z M 273.9878,525.61427 L 277.706,531.11074 L 280.13092,530.78742 L 281.26255,530.30244 L 282.7175,531.59573 L 286.43571,531.43407 L 287.40568,529.97912 L 284.49577,528.20085 L 282.55584,524.48263 L 280.45424,520.92609 L 274.63444,523.83599 z M 294.19545,534.50564 L 295.48874,532.5657 L 300.17691,533.53566 L 300.82356,533.05068 L 306.96668,533.69732 L 306.64336,534.99062 L 304.05678,536.44556 L 299.69193,536.12224 z M 299.53027,539.67879 L 301.47021,543.55866 L 304.54176,542.42703 L 304.86509,540.81041 L 303.24848,538.70882 L 299.53027,538.3855 z M 306.4817,538.54716 L 308.74496,535.63726 L 313.43313,538.06218 L 317.79798,539.19381 L 322.16284,541.94205 L 322.16284,543.88198 L 318.6063,545.66026 L 313.75645,546.63022 L 311.33154,545.17527 z M 323.13281,554.06663 L 324.74942,552.77335 L 328.14431,554.38997 L 335.74238,557.94651 L 339.13727,560.0481 L 340.75387,562.47302 L 342.69381,566.83787 L 346.73534,569.42445 L 346.41202,570.71775 L 342.53215,573.95097 L 338.32896,575.40592 L 336.87401,574.75928 L 333.80244,576.53754 L 331.37753,579.77077 L 329.11427,582.68067 L 327.33599,582.51901 L 323.77945,579.93243 L 323.45613,575.40592 L 324.10277,572.981 L 322.48616,567.32286 L 320.38456,565.54458 L 320.2229,562.958 L 322.48616,561.98804 L 324.58776,558.91648 L 325.07274,557.94651 L 323.45613,556.16823 z",
        DC: "M 801.75695,253.84384 L 800.67992,252.20717 L 799.66604,251.36463 L 800.7653,249.74841 L 802.99814,251.25941 z"
      // Create the actual objects
      var stateAttr = {};
      for(var state in paths) {
        stateAttr = {};
        if(this.options.stateSpecificStyles[state]) {
          $.extend(stateAttr, attr, this.options.stateSpecificStyles[state]);
        } else {
          stateAttr = attr;
        this.stateShapes[state] = R.path(paths[state]).attr(stateAttr);
        this.topShape = this.stateShapes[state];
        this.stateHitAreas[state] = R.path(paths[state]).attr({fill: "#000",
      "stroke-width": 0, "opacity" : 0.0, 'cursor': 'pointer'});
        this.stateHitAreas[state].node.dataState = state;
      // Bind events
      this._onClickProxy = $.proxy(this, '_onClick');
      this._onMouseOverProxy = $.proxy(this, '_onMouseOver'),
      this._onMouseOutProxy = $.proxy(this, '_onMouseOut');
      for(var state in this.stateHitAreas) {
        $(this.stateHitAreas[state].node).bind('mouseout', this._onMouseOutProxy);
        $(this.stateHitAreas[state].node).bind('click', this._onClickProxy);
        $(this.stateHitAreas[state].node).bind('mouseover', this._onMouseOverProxy);
     * Create the labels
    _initCreateLabels: function() {
      var R = this.paper; // shorter name for usage here
      var neStates = ['CA', 'AL', 'AR','AZ', 'CO', 'FL', 'GA', 'IL', 'IN', 'LA', 'MI', 'MS', 'MO', 'NC' , 'NV', 'NY', 'OR', 'PA', 'TN', 'TX', 'WI'];
      // calculate the values for placing items
      var neBoxX = 860;
      var neBoxY = 220;
      var oWidth = this.options.labelWidth;
      var oHeight = this.options.labelHeight;
      var oGap = this.options.labelGap;
      var oRadius = this.options.labelRadius;
      var shapeWidth = oWidth/this.scale;
      var shapeHeight = oHeight/this.scale;
      var colWidth = (oWidth+oGap)/this.scale;
      var downBy = (oHeight+oGap)/this.scale*0.5;
      var shapeRadius = oRadius/this.scale;
      // Styling information
      var backingAttr = this.options.labelBackingStyles;
      var textAttr = this.options.labelTextStyles;
      var stateAttr = {};
      // NE States
      for(var i=0, x, y, state; i<neStates.length; ++i) {
        state = neStates[i];
        // position
        x = ((i+1)%2) * colWidth + neBoxX;
        y = i*downBy + neBoxY;
        // attributes for styling the backing
        stateAttr = {};
        if(this.options.stateSpecificLabelBackingStyles[state]) {
          $.extend(stateAttr, backingAttr, this.options.stateSpecificLabelBackingStyles[state]);
        } else {
          stateAttr = backingAttr;
        // add the backing
        this.labelShapes[state] = R.rect(x, y, shapeWidth, shapeHeight, shapeRadius).attr(stateAttr);
        // attributes for styling the text
        stateAttr = {};
        if(this.options.stateSpecificLabelTextStyles[state]) {
          $.extend(stateAttr, textAttr, this.options.stateSpecificLabelTextStyles[state]);
        } else {
          $.extend(stateAttr, textAttr);
        // adjust font-size
        if(stateAttr['font-size']) {
          stateAttr['font-size'] = (parseInt(stateAttr['font-size'])/this.scale) + 'px';
        // add the text
        this.labelTexts[state] = R.text(x+(shapeWidth/2), y+(shapeHeight/2), state).attr(stateAttr);
        // Create the hit areas
        this.labelHitAreas[state] = R.rect(x, y, shapeWidth, shapeHeight, shapeRadius).attr({
          fill: "#F89B25",
          "stroke-width": 0, 
          "opacity" : 0.0, 
          'cursor': 'pointer'
        this.labelHitAreas[state].node.dataState = state;
      // Bind events
      for(var state in this.labelHitAreas) {
        $(this.labelHitAreas[state].node).bind('mouseout', this._onMouseOutProxy);
        $(this.labelHitAreas[state].node).bind('click', this._onClickProxy);
        $(this.labelHitAreas[state].node).bind('mouseover', this._onMouseOverProxy);
     * Get the state Raphael object
    _getStateFromEvent: function(event) {
      // first get the state name
      var stateName = (event.target && event.target.dataState) || (event.dataState);
      return this._getState(stateName);
    _getState: function(stateName) {
      var stateShape = this.stateShapes[stateName];
      var stateHitArea = this.stateHitAreas[stateName];
      var labelBacking = this.labelShapes[stateName];
      var labelText = this.labelTexts[stateName];
      var labelHitArea = this.labelHitAreas[stateName]
      return {
        shape: stateShape, 
        hitArea: stateHitArea, 
        name: stateName, 
        labelBacking: labelBacking, 
        labelText: labelText, 
        labelHitArea: labelHitArea


标签: javascriptphpwordpressraphael

