首页 > 解决方案 > 用于在 Python 中过滤对象的用户界面


在我的应用程序中,我有一个如下定义/概述的 Job 类。这个作业类的实例代表一个特定的作业运行。作业可以有多个检查点,每个检查点可以有多个命令。

 - JobName
 - [JobCheckpoint]
 - StartTime
 - EndTime
 - Status
 - ...

 - JobCheckpointName
 - [JobCommand]
 - StartTime
 - EndTime
 - Status
 - ...

 - JobCommandName
 - [Command]
 - StartTime
 - EndTime
 - Status 
 - ...

在任何一天,都有大约 10 万个不同的作业在运行。作业信息保存在文件系统中。我想用 Python 设计一个用户界面来查询这些作业对象。例如用户应该能够查询

  1. 在 x 和 y 间隔之间运行的所有作业。
  2. 运行命令 x 的所有作业。
  3. 所有作业都处于失败状态。
  4. 所有作业都处于失败和终止状态。
  5. 特定作业的所有检查点/命令。
  6. 还有很多...



我不确定如何在 Python 中设计这个 Filter 类

  1. 支持对 Job 对象的所有此类查询。
  2. 并保持 API 的使用对用户来说简单/直观。


标签: pythonapidesign-patterns




这可能取决于例如存储机制。它是作为一堆 Python 对象存储在内存中,还是首先从 SQL 数据库或 NoSQL 数据库中取出。

如果它取自 SQL 数据库,您可以利用 SQL 的过滤机制。毕竟它是一种(结构化)查询语言。

在这种情况下,您的 Filter 类就像将字段值翻译成一堆 SQL 运算符/条件。

如果它是一堆没有用于查询数据的数据库机制的 Python 对象,那么您可能需要考虑自己的查询/过滤方法。

Filter 类可能正在使用 Condition 类和 Operator 类。也许你有一个 Operator 类作为一个抽象类,并有“胶水”运算符将条件粘合在一起(AND/OR)。还有另一种运算符,用于将域对象的属性与值进行比较。

对于后者,即使您没有为其设计“过滤器语言”,您也可以从 API 查询格式中获得一些灵感,此处为 Flask-Restless 指定:https ://flask-restless.readthedocs.io/en/稳定/searchformat.html#query-format

当然,如果您正在为 REST API 等设计查询接口,Flask-Restless 的查询格式可以为您提供一些关于如何处理查询的灵感。




from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import List

class DomainObjectOperatorGlue(metaclass=ABCMeta):    
    def operate(self, haystack: List['DomainObject'], criteria: 
        List['DomainObject']) -> List['DomainObject']:

class DomainObjectFieldGlueOperator(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def operate(self, conditions: List[bool]) -> bool:

class DomainObjectFieldGlueOperatorAnd(DomainObjectFieldGlueOperator):
    def operate(self, conditions: List[bool]) -> bool:
        # If all conditions are True then return True here,
        # otherwise return False.
        # (...)

class DomainObjectFieldGlueOperatorOr(DomainObjectFieldGlueOperator):
    def operate(self, conditions: List[bool]) -> bool:
        # If only one (or more) of the conditions are True then return True
        # otherwise, if none are True, return False.
        # (...)

class DomainObjectOperatorAnd(DomainObjectOperatorGlue):
    def __init__(self):

    def operate(self, haystack: 'JobsCollection', criteria: 
List['DomainObject']) -> List['DomainObject']:
        Returns list of haystackelements or empty list.
        Includes haystackelement if all (search) 'criteria' elements 
(DomainObjects) are met for haystackelement (DomainObject).
        result = []
        for haystackelement in haystack.jobs:
            # AND operator wants all criteria to be True for haystackelement (Job)
        # to be included in returned search results.
        criteria_all_true_for_haystackelement = True
        for criterium in criteria:
            if haystackelement.excludes(criterium):
                criteria_all_true_for_haystackelement = False
        if criteria_all_true_for_haystackelement:
    return result

class DomainObjectOperatorOr(DomainObjectOperatorGlue):
    def __init__(self):

def operate(self, haystack: List['DomainObject'], criteria: List['DomainObject']) -> List['DomainObject']:
    Returns list of haystackelements or empty list.
    Includes haystackelement if all (search) 'criteria' elements (DomainObjects) are met for haystackelement (DomainObject).
    result = []
    for haystackelement in haystack:
        # OR operator wants at least ONE criterium to be True for haystackelement
        # to be included in returned search results.
        at_least_one_criterium_true_for_haystackelement = False
        for criterium in criteria:
            if haystackelement.matches(criterium):
                at_least_one_criterium_true_for_haystackelement = True
        if at_least_one_criterium_true_for_haystackelement:
    return result

class DomainObjectFilter(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def __init__(self, criteria: List['DomainObject'], criteria_glue: 
        self.criteria = criteria
        self.criteria_glue = criteria_glue

    def apply(self, haystack: 'JobsCollection') -> List['DomainObject']:
       Applies filter to given 'haystack' (list of jobs with sub-objects in there);
    returns filtered list of DomainObjects or empty list if none found
    according to criteria (and criteria glue).
        return self.criteria_glue.operate(haystack, self.criteria)

class DomainObject(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def __init__(self):

    def matches(self, domain_object: 'DomainObject') -> bool:
        """ Returns True if this DomainObject matches specified DomainObject,
    False otherwise.

def excludes(self, domain_object: 'DomainObject') -> bool:
    Convenience method; the inverse of includes-method.
    return not self.matches(domain_object)

class Job(DomainObject):
    def __init__(self, name, start, end, status, job_checkpoints: 
        self.name = name
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
        self.status = status
        self.job_checkpoints = job_checkpoints

    def matches(self, domain_object: 'DomainObject', field_glue: 
DomainObjectFieldGlueOperator) -> bool:
        Returns True if this DomainObject includes specified DomainObject,
     False otherwise.
        if domain_object is Job:
            # See if specified fields in search criteria (domain_object/Job) matches this job.
            # Determine here which fields user did not leave empty,
            # and guess for sensible search criteria.
            # Return True if it's  a match, False otherwise.
            condition_results = []
            if domain_object.name != None:
                condition_results.append(domain_object.name in self.name)
            if domain_object.start != None or domain_object.end != None:
                if domain_object.start == None:
                    # ...Use broadest start time for criteria here...
                    # time_range_condition = ...
                elif domain_object.end == None:
                    # ...Use broadest end time for criteria here...
                    # time_range_condition = ...
                    # Both start and end time specified; use specified time range.
                # time_range_condition = ...
            # Then evaluate condition_results;
            # e.g. return True if all condition_results are True here,
            # false otherwise depending on implementation of field_glue class:
            return field_glue.operate(condition_results)
    elif domain_object is JobCheckpoint:
        # Determine here which fields user did not leave empty,
        # and guess for sensible search criteria.
        # Return True if it's  a match, False otherwise.
        # First establish if parent of JobCheckpoint is 'self' (this job)
        # if so, then check if search criteria for JobCheckpoint match,
        # glue fields with something like:
        return field_glue.operate(condition_results)
    elif domain_object is JobCommand:
        # (...)
        if domain_object.parent_job == self:
            # see if conditions pan out
            return field_glue.operate(condition_results)

class JobCheckpoint(DomainObject):
    def __init__(self, name, start, end, status, job_commands: List['JobCommand'], parent_job: Job):
       self.name = name
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
        self.status = status
       self.job_commands = job_commands
        # For easier reference;
        # e.g. when search criteria matches this JobCheckpoint
        # then Job associated to it can be found
        # more easily.
        self.parent_job = parent_job

class JobCommand(DomainObject):
    def __init__(self, name, start, end, status, parent_checkpoint: JobCheckpoint, parent_job: Job):
        self.name = name
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
        self.status = status
        # For easier reference;
        # e.g. when search criteria matches this JobCommand
        # then Job or JobCheckpoint associated to it can be found
        # more easily.
        self.parent_checkpoint = parent_checkpoint
        self.parent_job = parent_job

class JobsCollection(DomainObject):
    def __init__(self, jobs: List['Job']):
         self.jobs = jobs

    def get_jobs(self, filter: DomainObjectFilter) -> List[Job]:
        return filter.apply(self)

    def get_commands(self, job: Job) -> List[JobCommand]:
        Returns all commands for specified job (search criteria).
        result = []
        for some_job in self.jobs:
            if job.matches(some_job):
                for job_checkpoint in job.job_checkpoints:
         return result

    def get_checkpoints(self, job: Job) -> List[JobCheckpoint]:
        Returns all checkpoints for specified job (search criteria).
        result = []
        for some_job in self.jobs:
            if job.matches(some_job):
        return result
