首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在熊猫数据框中创建将每月数据转换为每日、每周的函数?



date              chair_price     vol_chair
01-09-2018         23              30
01-10-2018         53              20

daily: price as same and vol_chair divided by days of the month
weekly: price as same and vol_chair divided by number of weeks in a month

预期产出: 每日:

   date              chair_price     vol_chair
01-09-2018            23               1
02-09-2018            23               1
03-09-2018            23               1
30-09-2018            23               1
01-10-2018            53               0.64
31-10-2018            53               0.64


     date              chair_price     vol_chair
02-09-2018               23              6
09-09-2018               23              6 
16-09-2018               23              6   
23-09-2018               23              6 
30-09-2018               23              6
07-10-2018               53              5
14-10-2018               53              5

我使用下面的代码作为列 vol,任何快速的方法一起做,即保持价格相同和 vol - 采取行动并找出一个月的周数

df.resample('W').ffill().agg(lambda x: x/4)
df.resample('D').ffill().agg(lambda x: x/30)
and need to use calendar.monthrange(2012,1)[1] to identify days 
def func_count_number_of_weeks(df):
    return len(calendar.monthcalendar(df['DateRange'].year, df['DateRange'].month))

def func_convert_from_monthly(df, col, category, columns):
    if category == "Daily":
        df['number_of_days'] = df['DateRange'].dt.daysinmonth
        for column in columns:
            df[column] = df[column] / df['number_of_days'] 
        df.drop('number_of_days', axis=1, inplace=True)
    elif category == "Weekly":
        df['number_of_weeks'] = df.apply(func_count_number_of_weeks, axis=1)
        for column in columns:
            df[column] = df[column] / df['number_of_weeks'] 
        df.drop('number_of_weeks', axis=1, inplace=True)

    return df

def func_resample_from_monthly(df,col, category):
    df.set_index(col, inplace=True)
    df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, dayfirst=True)
    if category == "Monthly":
        df = df.resample('MS').ffill()
    elif category == "Weekly":
        df = df.resample('W').ffill()

    return df

标签: pandas



#convert to datetimeindex
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, dayfirst=True)

#add new next month for correct resample
idx = df.index[-1] + pd.offsets.MonthBegin(1)

df = df.append(df.iloc[[-1]].rename({df.index[-1]: idx}))

#resample with forward filling values, remove last helper row
#df1 = df.resample('D').ffill().iloc[:-1]
df1 = df.resample('W').ffill().iloc[:-1]

#divide by size of months
df1['vol_chair'] /= df1.resample('MS')['vol_chair'].transform('size')
print (df1)

            chair_price  vol_chair
2018-09-02           23        6.0
2018-09-09           23        6.0
2018-09-16           23        6.0
2018-09-23           23        6.0
2018-09-30           23        6.0
2018-10-07           53        5.0
2018-10-14           53        5.0
2018-10-21           53        5.0
2018-10-28           53        5.0
