首页 > 解决方案 > 在 Jinja2 模板中访问类方法


我在后端使用 Flask 应用程序,它应该使用 Jinja2 模板内的循环在前端呈现 SKU(库存单位)代码列表。SKU类如下:

class SKU:
"""Class to hold SKU data returned from the database."""

def __init__(self, sku, scanned_at, actual_count, expected_count):
    """Initialize the SKU class with relevant attributes."""
    self.sku = str(sku)
    self.scanned_at = str(scanned_at)
    self.actual_count = int(actual_count)
    self.expected_count = int(expected_count)

def get_progress(self):
    """Get the SKU production progress as a percentage."""
    return ((self.actual_count / self.expected_count) *
            100 if self.expected_count != 0 else 0)


def skus():
    """Get all SKUs for the day and render the skus.html template."""
    skus = get_all_skus_today()
    return render_template("skus.html", skus=skus)


{% for sku_row in skus %}
    {{ sku_row.sku }}
    {{ sku_row.get_progress }}
{% endfor %}

但这不起作用。我想避免遍历 SKU 对象列表并将它们转换为元组然后传递给render_template函数(这是我之前所做的)。

非常感谢任何帮助 - 如果您需要任何进一步的说明,请告诉我。

标签: pythonpython-3.xflaskjinja2



import sqlite3
class _Sku:
   def __init__(self, row):
     self.__dict__ = dict(zip(row, ['_sku', 'scanned_at', 'actual_count', 'expected_count']))
   def sku(self):
      return str(self._sku)
   def get_progress(self):
     return ((int(self.actual_count) / int(self.expected_count)) *
        100 if int(self.expected_count) != 0 else 0)

class Sku:
  def __init__(self, _listing):
    self.all_vals = [_Sku(i) for i in _listing]
  def __iter__(self):
    yield from self.all_vals
  def create_skus(cls, _filename='somefilename.db'):
    #if so desired, you can replace query below with your own
    return cls(sqlite3.connect(_filename).cursor().execute("SELECT scanned, actual, expected FROM skus"))


def skus():
  """Get all SKUs for the day and render the skus.html template."""
   return render_template("skus.html", skus=Sku.create_skus())


{% for sku_row in skus %}
   {{ sku_row.sku }}
   {{ sku_row.get_progress }}
{% endfor %}
