首页 > 解决方案 > MS Access VBA AppActivate“发送传真”和 SendKeys



DoCmd.PrintOut 'This works fine to print to the Fax

AppActivate "Send fax" 'This works as the window focus changes from MS Access to the Send fax dialog box

SendKeys "%f" & rst![Fax] 'This does not work and when I move the mouse around, I get a pointer when on the Send fax dialog box but a busy spinning circle when I move the mouse away from the dialog box.  It seems the process is hung up at AppActivate and not letting this part work.

SendKeys "%d99" 'This part would thus not work also

SendKeys "{Enter} 'This part would thus not work also

标签: vbams-accessms-access-2013sendkeysfax

