首页 > 解决方案 > Azure Pipelines in Enterprise Github


Folks, I've been trying to setup/Integrate Azure Pipelines on to our Enterprise Github. I know currently it does support only that of github.com.

If anyone indeed able to do the same, I'd need some pointers on the same.

Thank You All in advance.

标签: githubazure-devopsazure-pipelinesenterprise


VSTS 确实支持 Github Enterprise: https ://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/release-notes/2018/jan-24-vsts#build-with-continuous-integration-from-github-enterprise

当然,您需要确保 VSTS 服务器和代理可以访问您的 GHE 服务器。

您可以通过转到“项目设置”->“管道”->“服务连接”->“+新服务连接”->“Github Enterprise”来创建新的 Github Enterprise 连接

如何添加 Github Enterprise 服务连接
