首页 > 解决方案 > 给定多个方法的调用顺序的 Mockito 中的条件存根



被测代码示例,service将在测试中被 Mockito 模拟:

public Bar foo(String id) {
  Bar b = service.retrieveById(id);
  boolean flag = service.deleteById(id);
  b = service.retrieveById(id);  //this should throw an Exception
  return b;



  .thenReturn(new Bar())
  .thenThrow(new RuntimeException())


标签: javamockito





如果Service返回给定 ID 的某些内容,或者在没有结果时引发异常,请制作 2 个单独的测试用例!

我们无法预见重构的原因。也许在删除之前会有 n 个调用来检索。所以这实际上是将两个方法的行为捆绑在一起。

是的,有人可以添加另外十二种方法,这些方法都会影响deleteById. 你会跟踪吗?


考虑写一个假的 ifService相当简单并且变化不大。请记住,模拟只是一种工具。有时还有其他选择。

考虑到我刚才所说的,这可能会给您发送混杂的信息,但是由于 StackOverflow 已经关闭了一段时间,而我目前正在大量使用 Mockito,所以我花了一些时间来解决您的另一个问题:

例如,我想知道是否可以实现一个可以检测是否已调用 deleteById 的 Answer 对象。

import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock;
import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;

import java.util.function.Supplier;

import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

 * An Answer that resolves differently depending on a specified condition.
 * <p>This implementation is NOT thread safe!</p>
 * @param <T> The result type
public class ConditionalAnswer <T> implements Answer<T> {

     * Create a new ConditionalAnswer from the specified result suppliers.
     * <p>On instantiation, condition is false</p>
     * @param whenConditionIsFalse  The result to supply when the underlying 
              condition is false
     * @param whenConditionIsTrue The result to supply when the underlying 
              condition is true
     * @param <T> The type of the result to supply
     * @return A new ConditionalAnswer
    public static <T> ConditionalAnswer<T> create (
            final Supplier<T> whenConditionIsFalse,
            final Supplier<T> whenConditionIsTrue) {

        return new ConditionalAnswer<>(
                requireNonNull(whenConditionIsFalse, "whenConditionIsFalse"),
                requireNonNull(whenConditionIsTrue, "whenConditionIsTrue")


     * Create a Supplier that on execution throws the specified Throwable.
     * <p>If the Throwable turns out to be an unchecked exception it will be
     *  thrown directly, if not it will be wrapped in a RuntimeException</p>
     * @param throwable The throwable
     * @param <T> The type that the Supplier officially provides
     * @return A throwing Supplier
    public static <T> Supplier<T> doThrow (final Throwable throwable) {

        requireNonNull(throwable, "throwable");

        return () -> {

            if (RuntimeException.class.isAssignableFrom(throwable.getClass())) {
                throw (RuntimeException) throwable;

            throw new RuntimeException(throwable);



    boolean conditionMet;
    final Supplier<T> whenConditionIsFalse;
    final Supplier<T> whenConditionIsTrue;

    // Use static factory method instead!
    ConditionalAnswer (
            final Supplier<T> whenConditionIsFalse, 
            final Supplier<T> whenConditionIsTrue) {

        this.whenConditionIsFalse = whenConditionIsFalse;
        this.whenConditionIsTrue = whenConditionIsTrue;


     * Set condition to true.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If condition has been toggled already
    public void toggle () throws IllegalStateException {

        if (conditionMet) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Condition can only be toggled once!");

        conditionMet = true;


     * Wrap the specified answer so that before it executes, this 
     * ConditionalAnswer is toggled.
     * @param answer The ans
     * @return The wrapped Answer
    public Answer<?> toggle (final Answer<?> answer) {

        return invocation -> {
            return answer.answer(invocation);


    public T answer (final InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {

        return conditionMet ? whenConditionIsTrue.get() : whenConditionIsFalse.get();


     * Test whether the underlying condition is met
     * @return The state of the underlying condition
    public boolean isConditionMet () {
        return conditionMet;



void conditionalTest (
        @Mock final Service serviceMock, @Mock final Bar barMock) {

        final var id = "someId"

        // Create shared, stateful answer
        // First argument: Untill condition changes, return barMock
        // Second: After condition has changed, throw Exception
        final var conditional = ConditionalAnswer.create(
                () -> barMock,
                ConditionalAnswer.doThrow(new NoSuchElementException(someId)));

        // Whenever retrieveById is invoked, the call will be delegated to 
        // conditional answer

        // Now we can define, what makes the condition change.
        // In this example it is service#delete but it could be any other
        // method on any other class

        // Option 1: Easy but ugly
        when(service.deleteById(any())).thenAnswer(invocation -> {
           return Boolean.TRUE;

        // Option 2: Answer proxy
                .thenAnswer(conditional.toggle(invocation -> Boolean.TRUE));

        // Now you can retrieve by id as many times as you like
        assertSame(barMock, serviceMock.retrieveById(someId));
        assertSame(barMock, serviceMock.retrieveById(someId));
        assertSame(barMock, serviceMock.retrieveById(someId));
        assertSame(barMock, serviceMock.retrieveById(someId));
        assertSame(barMock, serviceMock.retrieveById(someId));

        // Until

        // NoSuchElementException




