首页 > 解决方案 > 并行数字积分器功能比顺序版本慢。为什么?


我正在学习 Haskell 中的并行策略。



integrateT :: (Fractional a, Enum a, NFData a) => (a -> a) -> (a,a) -> a -> a 
integrateT f (ini, fin) dx 
  = let lst = map f [ini,ini+dx..fin]
    in sum lst * dx - 0.5 * (f ini + f fin) * dx


main = do
  print $ (integrateT (\x -> x^4 - x^3 + x^2 + x/13 + 1) (0.0,1000000.0) 0.01 :: Double)


stack exec lab5 -- +RTS -ls -N2 -s
  18,400,147,552 bytes allocated in the heap
      20,698,168 bytes copied during GC
          66,688 bytes maximum residency (2 sample(s))
          35,712 bytes maximum slop
               3 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

                                 Tot time (elapsed)  Avg pause  Max pause
  Gen  0     17754 colls, 17754 par    0.123s   0.105s     0.0000s    0.0011s
  Gen  1         2 colls,     1 par    0.000s   0.000s     0.0001s    0.0002s

  Parallel GC work balance: 0.27% (serial 0%, perfect 100%)

  TASKS: 6 (1 bound, 5 peak workers (5 total), using -N2)

  SPARKS: 0 (0 converted, 0 overflowed, 0 dud, 0 GC'd, 0 fizzled)

  INIT    time    0.001s  (  0.001s elapsed)
  MUT     time    6.054s  (  5.947s elapsed)
  GC      time    0.123s  (  0.106s elapsed)
  EXIT    time    0.001s  (  0.008s elapsed)
  Total   time    6.178s  (  6.061s elapsed)

  Alloc rate    3,039,470,269 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity  98.0% of total user, 98.2% of total elapsed

gc_alloc_block_sync: 77
whitehole_spin: 0
gen[0].sync: 0
gen[1].sync: 0


integrateT :: (Fractional a, Enum a, NFData a) => (a -> a) -> (a,a) -> a -> a 
integrateT f (ini, fin) dx 
  = let lst = (map f [ini,ini+dx..fin]) `using` parListChunk 100 rdeepseq
    in sum lst * dx - 0.5 * (f ini + f fin) * dx


stack exec lab5 -- +RTS -ls -N2 -s
  59,103,320,488 bytes allocated in the heap
  17,214,458,128 bytes copied during GC
  2,787,092,160 bytes maximum residency (15 sample(s))
  43,219,264 bytes maximum slop
        5570 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

                                 Tot time (elapsed)  Avg pause  Max pause
  Gen  0     44504 colls, 44504 par   16.907s  10.804s     0.0002s    0.0014s
  Gen  1        15 colls,    14 par    4.006s   2.991s     0.1994s    1.2954s

  Parallel GC work balance: 33.60% (serial 0%, perfect 100%)

  TASKS: 6 (1 bound, 5 peak workers (5 total), using -N2)

  SPARKS: 1000001 (1000001 converted, 0 overflowed, 0 dud, 0 GC'd, 0 fizzled)

  INIT    time    0.001s  (  0.001s elapsed)
  MUT     time   14.298s  ( 12.392s elapsed)
  GC      time   20.912s  ( 13.795s elapsed)
  EXIT    time    0.000s  (  0.003s elapsed)
  Total   time   35.211s  ( 26.190s elapsed)

  Alloc rate    4,133,806,996 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity  40.6% of total user, 47.3% of total elapsed

gc_alloc_block_sync: 2304055
whitehole_spin: 0
gen[0].sync: 0
gen[1].sync: 1105370





  1. 随着并行性能随着每个块的计算成本(例如 x^12345)的增加和块数量的减少而提高 - 在因素非常小的情况下(例如 x^4、x^3 - 快到计算),因此顺序版本更快?有没有办法以更好的性能成功地并行化它?
  2. 为什么并行版本使用这么多内存和 GC 时间?
  3. 如何减少并行版本的 GC 时间?

标签: haskell


与首先构建列表脊椎等的开销相比,只有当到目前为止大部分计算成本都在评估单个列表元素时,这样的策略parListChunk才有意义。然而,通过integrateT一个简单的多项式,这些元素的计算成本非常低,并且大部分成本将在列表开销中。它在顺序版本中仍然有效运行的唯一原因是 GHC 可以内联/融合大部分业务,但显然不是在并行版本中。


integrateT :: (Fractional a, Enum a, NFData a) => (a -> a) -> (a,a) -> a -> a 
integrateT f (ini, fin) dx 
  = let lst = map f [ini,ini+dx..fin]
    in sum lst * dx - 0.5 * (f ini + f fin) * dx

integrateT_par :: (Fractional a, Enum a, NFData a) => (a -> a) -> (a,a) -> a -> a
integrateT_par f (l,r) dx
  = let chunks = [ integrateT f (l + i*wChunk, l + (i+1)*wChunk) dx
                 | i<-[0..nChunks-1] ]
               `using` parList rdeepseq
    in sum chunks
 where nChunks = 100
       wChunk = (r-l)/nChunks


