首页 > 解决方案 > Vertx HTTPClient with CompletableFuture block the callback Thread


I am facing a very weird problem.

I am working on Vert.x and from handler I am calling REST APIs using HttpClientRequest of Vert.x. Now I am having a CompletableFuture which I am completing in the response handler of the HttpClientRequest. Later, I am using CompletableFuture.get(). But whenever get() method is called, the main thread is blocked (as expected), but it remains blocked forever. I am not seeing the callback happen on my response Handler and it is stuck for forever.

Here is code:

import io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpMethod;
import io.vertx.core.json.Json;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient;

CompletableFuture<JsonObject> comp = new CompletableFuture<JsonObject>();   
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); //This object initialized and set the endpoit, port and domain name.
HttpClientRequest request = httpClient.request(HttpMethod.POST, requestURI, response -> {
        response.bodyHandler(body -> {
            //do some process
            comp.complete(new JsonObject(body);
    }).exceptionHandler(e -> {
        //log the error

//after some process
comp.get();  // here main thread is stuck forever.

My API gives 200 response, I saw in it Wireshark and also If I do comp.thenAccept() the callback is executed and it gives my result.

Why is this happening and what is the solution?

Note: I know that it is not recommendation to use Completable.get() method but in my use-case, I have to use it.

Here is sample code which is giving me issue:

package io.vertx.starter;

import io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.http.*;
import io.vertx.ext.web.Router;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

public class SampleVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {

  public void start ( Future startFuture ) throws Exception {
    Future<Void> future = Future.future ();
    HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer ();

    Router router = Router.router (vertx);
    router.get ("/sample").handler (this::sampeHandler);
    router.get ("/testcompletableblocking").handler (this::testCompBlocking);
    router.get ("/testcompletablenonblocking").handler (this::testCompNonBlocking);

    server.requestHandler (router::accept) // <5>
      .listen (8080, ar -> { // <6>
        if (ar.succeeded ()) {
          System.out.println ("Server started");
          future.complete ();
        } else {
          System.out.println ("Server is not started");
          future.fail (ar.cause ());

  private void sampeHandler ( RoutingContext context ) {
    try {
      Thread.sleep (1000);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    String response = "Hello...";
    context.response ().setStatusCode (200).putHeader ("content-type", "text/html").end (response);

  private void testCompBlocking ( RoutingContext context ) {

    System.out.println ("Calling testCompBlocking....");
    HttpClientOptions clientOptions = new HttpClientOptions ().setDefaultHost ("localhost").setDefaultPort (8080).setSsl (false).setKeepAlive (true);
    HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient (clientOptions);

    String requestURI = "/sample";
    CompletableFuture<String> comp = new CompletableFuture<> ();
    HttpClientRequest request = client.request (HttpMethod.GET, requestURI, response -> {

      response.bodyHandler (body -> {
        String kmsResponse = new String (body.getBytes ());
        System.out.println ("kmsResponse-" + kmsResponse);
        comp.complete (kmsResponse);
    }).exceptionHandler (e -> {
      e.printStackTrace ();
      comp.completeExceptionally (e);
    request.end ();

    String result = "Not Success";
    try {
      result = comp.get ();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println ("Exception in getting from Completable..." + e.getMessage ());
      e.printStackTrace ();
    context.response ().setStatusCode (200);
    context.response ().putHeader ("content-type", "text/html");
    context.response ().end (result);
    System.out.println ("end testCompBlocking....");

  private void testCompNonBlocking ( RoutingContext context ) {

    System.out.println ("Calling testCompNonBlocking....");
    HttpClientOptions clientOptions = new HttpClientOptions ().setDefaultHost ("localhost").setDefaultPort (8080).setKeepAlive (false);
    HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient (clientOptions);

    String requestURI = "/sample";
    CompletableFuture<String> comp = new CompletableFuture<> ();
    HttpClientRequest request = client.request (HttpMethod.GET, requestURI, response -> {

      response.bodyHandler (body -> {
        String kmsResponse = new String (body.getBytes ());
        System.out.println ("kmsResponse-" + kmsResponse);
        comp.complete (kmsResponse);
    }).exceptionHandler (e -> {
      e.printStackTrace ();
      comp.completeExceptionally (e);
    request.end ();

    String result = "Not Blocking, please see result at Console";
    try {
      comp.thenAccept (apiResult -> System.out.println ("apiResult from CompletableFuture - " + apiResult));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println ("Exception in getting from Completable..." + e.getMessage ());
      e.printStackTrace ();
    context.response ().setStatusCode (200);
    context.response ().putHeader ("content-type", "text/html");
    context.response ().end (result);
    System.out.println ("end testCompNonBlocking....");


Call localhost:8080/testcompletableblocking, response is not sent and current thread is blocked forever.

标签: javajava-8httpclientvert.xcompletable-future


The problem with your implementation is that it violates The Golden Rule - Don’t Block the Event Loop. You should not call a blocking operation like CompletableFuture.get() on the event loop. Similarly, sampleHandler() should not call Thread.sleep() on the event loop either, but that's a lesser problem.

The consequence is that your event loop is now blocked… so your /sample request cannot be processed anymore. And since the request is not processed, you CompletableFuture remains uncompleted… deadlock.

There are two possible solutions to this problem:

  1. Use CompletableFuture as designed, relying on chained calls instead of get(), though it does not enforce Vert.x's threading model. So for example:

    comp.whenComplete((result, e) -> {
        System.out.println("Got sample response");
        if (e != null) {
        } else {
                    .putHeader("content-type", "text/html")
        System.out.println("end testCompBlocking....");
  2. Use Vert.x facilities for running blocking code. This shouln't be necessary with CompletableFuture but other API's might require it. So for example:

    context.vertx().<String>executeBlocking(future -> {
                String result = "Not Success";
                try {
                    result = comp.get();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    System.out.println("Exception in getting from Completable..." + e.getMessage());
            result -> {
                context.response().putHeader("content-type", "text/html");
                System.out.println("end testCompBlocking....");
