首页 > 解决方案 > python facetgrid with sns.barplot and map; target no overlapping group bars


I am currently implementing a code for facetgrid with subplots of barplots with two different groups ('type'), respectively. I am intending to get a plot, where the different groups are not stacked and not overlapping. I am using following code

g = sns.FacetGrid(data,
            hue = 'type',
g = g.map(sns.barplot, 'A', 'B').add_legend()

The data is a pandas long format df with following example structure:


In the created barplots I get now fully overlapping barplots of the two groups, thus ctrlis missing, see below. However, I am intending to get neighbouring non-overlapping bars each. How to achieve that? My real code has some more bars per plot, where you can see overlapping colors (here fully covered)

enter image description here

标签: pythonbar-chartseabornfacet-grid


this answer shows up how to use FacetGrid directly.

But, if you have 0.9.0 installed, I would recommend you make use of the new catplot() function that will produce the right (at least I think?) plot. Note that this function returns a FacetGrid object. You can pass kwargs to the call to customize the resulting FacetGrid, or modify its properties afterwards.

g = sns.catplot(data=data, x='A', y='B', hue='type', col='C', kind='bar')

enter image description here
