首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 Windows 7 中使用 git bash 安装 ocp-indent


我已经用这个链接安装了 git bash,用这个链接安装了Ocaml (点击按钮)。Installer for 64-bit OCaml 4.02.3 + OPAM

然后我输入opam install ocp-indentgit bash 并查看结果

The following actions will be performed:
  - install ocamlfind  1.8.0                                    [required by cmdliner, base-bytes, ocp-build]
  - install jbuilder   1.0+beta20                               [required by result]
  - install base-bytes base                                     [required by ocp-indent]
  - install result     1.3                                      [required by cmdliner]
  - install topkg      0.9.1                                    [required by cmdliner]
  - install cmdliner   1.0.2                                    [required by ocp-indent]
  - install ocp-build  1.99.20-beta                             [required by ocp-indent]
  - install ocp-indent 1.6.1
===== 8 to install =====
Do you want to continue ? [Y/n] Y

=-=- Gathering sources =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[jbuilder: http] Command started
[ocp-build: http] Command started
[ocp-indent: http] Command started
[result: http] Command started
[ERROR] The sources of the following couldn't be obtained, aborting:
          - jbuilder.1.0+beta20
          - ocp-build.1.99.20-beta
          - ocp-indent.1.6.1
          - result.1.3
        (This might be due to outdated metadata, in this case run 'opam

我想问你是否有我可以添加的链接opam repository或解决方法(没有 cygwin)在 Windows 7 中安装 ocp-indent。


标签: ocamlwindows-7-x64opam

