首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 Java 中通过参数接收到的对象中检索数据?


我正在尝试通过修改我之前实现的接受泛型的队列来构建优先级队列。我创建了一个名为 Priority Queue 的类(它接受泛型),它扩展了我的 Queue 类(它接受泛型)。最后一个类是主要焦点,Queue<T>。我在测试中推送了一个客户,当我在我的 Queue 推送方法中收到该客户时,我想用它来比较它的优先级和我的队列中另一个客户的优先级。有关解决此问题的任何建议都会有所帮助,但我的问题是,如何从 Queue 内部访问我的对象客户(或推送中的 val)的 3 个字段?



public class TestCustomer {

   public static void main(String args[]) {

   Customer customer1 = new Customer(3000, 20, 5);
   Customer customer2 = new Customer(5000, 15, 7);
   Customer customer3 = new Customer(5000, 20, 5);
   Customer customer4 = new Customer(3000, 3, 5);
   Customer customer5 = new Customer(3000, 3, 8);

   // comparator test

   Customer.WorthComparator worth = new Customer.WorthComparator();
   Customer.LoyaltyComparator loyal = new Customer.LoyaltyComparator();
   Customer.WorthPoliteComparator polite = new Customer.WorthPoliteComparator();

   assert worth.compare(customer1, customer2) == -1;  
   assert worth.compare(customer2, customer3) == 0;  
   assert worth.compare(customer2, customer1) == 1; 

   assert loyal.compare(customer1, customer2) == 1; 
   assert loyal.compare(customer2, customer1) == -1; 
   assert loyal.compare(customer1, customer3) == 0; 

   assert polite.compare(customer3, customer2) == -1; 
   assert polite.compare(customer2, customer3) == 1; 
   assert polite.compare(customer1, customer2) == -1; 
   assert polite.compare(customer2, customer3) == 1; 
   assert polite.compare(customer1, customer4) == 0;

   // priority queue test

   PriorityQueue<Customer> pQueueW = new PriorityQueue<Customer>(worth); 
   PriorityQueue<Customer> pQueueL = new PriorityQueue<Customer>(loyal);
   PriorityQueue<Customer> pQueueP = new PriorityQueue<Customer>(polite); 

   // push -- type T, pass in a val // judgement upon worth

   //PUSH customers for Worth
   assert pQueueW.pop() == customer2;

   //PUSH customers for Loyalty
   assert pQueueL.pop() == customer1;

   //PUSH customers for Polite
   assert pQueueP.pop() == customer2;
   assert pQueueP.pop() == customer5;




我的 Priority Queue 类只是扩展了 Queue 并使用它的推送功能。我需要创建一个方法来调用队列中的弹出窗口:

import java.util.Comparator;

public class PriorityQueue<T> extends Queue<T>

   Comparator<T> compare;

   public PriorityQueue(Comparator<T> comp)
      compare = comp;

   public void push(T val)
       super.push(val); //right now this is just a normal Queue as it will do what its parent did.


import java.util.Comparator;

public class Customer

   int netWorth;
   int yearsWithCompany;
   int politeness;

   public Customer(int netWorth,int yearsWithCompany,int politeness)
      this.netWorth = netWorth;
      this.yearsWithCompany = yearsWithCompany;
      this.politeness = politeness;

   compares clients based on thier net worth
   public static class WorthComparator implements Comparator<Customer>

      public int compare(Customer c1, Customer c2)
         int net1 = c1.netWorth;
         int net2 = c2.netWorth;
         if (net1 == net2) {
            return 0;
         else if (net1 < net2) {
            return -1;
         else {
            return 1;


   compares clients based on thier loyalty 
   public static class LoyaltyComparator implements Comparator<Customer>


      public int compare(Customer c1, Customer c2)

         int years1 = c1.yearsWithCompany;
         int years2 = c2.yearsWithCompany;

         if (years1 == years2) {
            return 0;
         else if (years1 < years2) {
            return -1;
         else {
            return 1;



   compares clients based on thier net worth.
   If there is a tie, politeness is used.
   public static class WorthPoliteComparator implements Comparator<Customer>


      public int compare(Customer c1, Customer c2)
         if (c1.netWorth == c2.netWorth)
         if (c1.politeness < c2.politeness) {
            return -1;
         else if (c1.politeness > c2.politeness) {
            return 1;
         else {
            return 0;
        else if (c1.netWorth > c2.netWorth){
         //int politeness = WorthComparator.compare(c1, c2);
         //return politeness;
         return 1;

        else {
         return -1 ;




我的 Queue 类被实现为一个常规队列。我现在正在修改它,以便我可以将它变成优先队列。Queue 类如下: public class Queue {

   public class QNode<T> {

      private QNode<T> node;
      private T val;  

      public QNode(QNode<T> node, T val) {
         this.node = node;
         this.val = val;


   protected QNode<T> head;
   protected QNode<T> rear;
   protected QNode<T> temp;

   public Queue()
      head = null;
      rear = null;


   public void push(T val) // T = Customer type -- val is a customer
      // if I wanted to get the contents out of val, which is a customer
      // who has a net worth, years loyal, and politeness
      // how would I access let's say, the netWorth from val?

      // first node created
      if (head == null && rear == null){
         head = new QNode<T>(rear, val);
         rear = head;



   public T pop()
      if (head == null){
         throw new QueueUnderFlowException();

      else if(head == rear) {
        T temp_hold = head.val;
        head = null;
        rear = null;
        return temp_hold;


      else {

         T oldN = head.val;

         this.head = this.head.node;
         return oldN;      

      returns true if the queue is empty

   public boolean isEmpty()
      if (head == null) {
       return true;
      else {
       return false;


标签: javaobjectinstance-variables




public class Queue<T extends Comparable<T>> {
    // code...


public class Customer implements Comparable<Customer> {
    public int compareTo(Customer other) {
        return Integer.compare(netWorth, other.netWorth);

    // rest of the code...

或者,如果您不想将这种自然顺序强加于Customer类,则Queue该类可以采用 a Comparator,例如Comparator.comparingInt(Customer::getNetWorth())在其构造时。
