首页 > 解决方案 > 数据未传递到 SQL Server


我正在做一个项目,我必须将传感器数据保存到 SQL Server 中。我为传感器和 SQL Server 创建了编码。我可以INSERT使用 POST(邮递员)进行编码,但无法将传感器数据传递到 SQL Server。

如何将传感器参数传递到 T-SQL 查询中?如果有人可以指导我解决这个问题,那就太好了。

exports.add = function (req, resp, reqBody) {
    try {
        if (!reqBody) throw new Error("Input not valid");
        var data = JSON.parse(reqBody);
        var outputJSON = JSON.stringify(reqBody);
        if (data) {//add more validations if necessary
            var sql = "INSERT INTO arduinoData (Machine, StartTime, EndTime, LengthTime) VALUES ";
            sql += util.format("(%s, '%s', '%s','%s') ", reqBody.data.Machine, reqBody.data.StartTime, reqBody.data.EndTime, reqBody.data.LengthTime);
            db.executeSql(sql, function (data, err) {
                if (err) {
                    httpMsgs.show500(req, resp, err);
                else {
                    httpMsgs.send200(req, resp);
        else {
            throw new Error("Input not valid");
        catch (ex) {
        httpMsgs.show500(req, resp, ex);

function vibrationStart()
    data = [{
        Machine : "Machine",
        StartTime : "StartTime",
        EndTime : "EndTime",
        LengthTime : "LengthTime"
    var jsonTable = { "table": [] };
    var startTime = getTime();
    console.log(startTime[0] + " " + startTime[1]);
    var startData = {
        Machine: Machine,
        start_time: startTime[0] + " " + startTime[1],
        day_night: startTime[3],
        active: "true"

    const options = {
        url: serverURL,
        method: "POST",
        form: startData

    request.post(options, function (error, response, body) {
        if (!error) {
            console.log("Sent starting message!");

        } else {
            console.log("CANT'T SEND");
            // Write to JSON file for backup if can't send to server
            fs.readFile("backup.json", "utf8", function readFileCallback(err, data) {
                if (err) throw err;
                jsonTable = JSON.parse(data);
                var outputJSON = JSON.stringify(jsonTable);
                fs.writeFile("backup.json", outputJSON, "utf8", function (err) {
                    if (err) throw err;

    return startTime[2];

function vibrationStop(startTimeUnix)
    // Should get:
    // - End time and date the vibration ended
    // - Total length of time
    // Will send the message, if there is network connection, once complete.
    // Will store message into a JSON file if there is no network connection.
   data = [{
       Machine : "Machine",
       StartTime : "StartTime",
       EndTime : "EndTime",
       LengthTime : "LengthTime"

    var jsonTable = { "table": [] };
    var endTime = getTime();
    console.log(endTime[0] + " " + endTime[1]);
    var endTimeUnix = endTime[2];
    var LengthTime = endTimeUnix - startTimeUnix;
    console.log("Length time: " + LengthTime);

    var endData = {
        Machine: Machine,
        end_time: endTime[0] + " " + endTime[1],
        LengthTime: LengthTime,
        active: "false"

    const options = {
        url: serverURL,
        method: "POST",
        form: endData

    request.post(options, function (error, response, body) {
        if (!error) {
            console.log("Sent end message!");

        } else {
            console.log("CANT'T SEND");

            // Write to JSON file for backup if can't send to server
            fs.readFile("backup.json", "utf8", function readFileCallback(err, data) {
                if (err) throw err;
                jsonTable = JSON.parse(data);
                var data = JSON.stringify(executeSql);
                var outputJSON = JSON.stringify(jsonTable);
                fs.writeFile("backup.json", outputJSON, "utf8", function (err) {
                    if (err) throw err;


arduinoBoard.on("ready", function () {
    // Main function that runs when Arduino is 'ready'
    console.log("Board ready!");
    var tilt = new johnnyFive.Sensor.Digital(8);
    var sensorCount = 0;
    var sensorFlag = false, prevSensorFlag = false;
    var startTime = 0;
    var sendEmailTimeout;

    // When sensor changes value
    tilt.on("change", function () {
        sensorCount = 0;
        sensorFlag = true;

    // Continuously loops
    var timeoutValue = 250;         // Change timeout value later on.
    tilt.on("data", function () {
        // Sensor just started turning on
        if (sensorFlag & !prevSensorFlag) {
            prevSensorFlag = true;
           startTime = vibrationStart();
            console.log("Vibration started.");
            clearTimeout(sendEmailTimeout); // Don't send email if switch activated before 5 minutes of inactivity

        // Sensor just turned off
        if (!sensorFlag && prevSensorFlag) {
            prevSensorFlag = false;
          EndTime =   vibrationStop(startTime);
            console.log("Vibration stopped.");

            sendEmailTimeout = setTimeout(sendEmail, userOptions.email_time * 1000); // Send email after 5 minutes of inactivity

        // Sensor reaches timeout value
        if (sensorCount == timeoutValue) {
            sensorCount = 0;
            sensorFlag = false;

标签: node.jssql-serverdatabasesensors

