首页 > 解决方案 > 从文件读取后打印链表的分段错误


我几乎完成了添加、查看、保存和加载患者详细信息的 C 程序。我已经完成了添加、保存和加载,但似乎无法正确实现保存功能。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define DB_NAME "database"

struct dob
int day, month, year;
typedef struct dob dob_t;

struct medicine
int medicine_id;
char medicine_name[100];
typedef struct medicine medicine_t;

struct patient
    int patient_id;
    dob_t date_db;
    char patient_name[20];
    medicine_t patient_med;
    struct patient* nextp; 

typedef struct patient patient_t;

void print_menu (void);
patient_t* add_patients (patient_t* patient_headp, patient_t* temp, patient_t* patient_currentp, int num_patients);
void view_patients (patient_t* patient_currentp, patient_t* patient_headp);
void save_patients (patient_t* patient_currentp, patient_t* patient_headp);
patient_t* read_patients (patient_t* patient_currentp, patient_t* patient_headp, patient_t* temp);

int main (void){
patient_t* patient_headp = NULL;
patient_t* temp = NULL;
patient_t* patient_currentp = NULL;
int option_picked = 0;
int num_patients = 0;
while(option_picked != 5)
    print_menu ();
    scanf("%d", &option_picked);
    if (option_picked == 1){
        patient_headp = add_patients(patient_headp, temp, patient_currentp, num_patients);

    else if (option_picked == 2){
        view_patients (patient_currentp, patient_headp);

    else if (option_picked == 3){
        save_patients (patient_currentp, patient_headp);

    else if (option_picked == 4){
        patient_headp = read_patients (patient_currentp, patient_headp, temp);
return 0;

void print_menu (void)
"1. add a patient\n"
"2. display all patients\n"
"3. save the patients to the database file\n"
"4. load the patients from the database file\n"
"5. exit the program\n"
"Enter choice (number between 1-5)>\n");

patient_t* add_patients (patient_t* patient_headp, patient_t* temp, patient_t* patient_currentp, int num_patients){
char choice;
    temp = (patient_t*) malloc(sizeof(patient_t));
    if (temp == NULL){
        printf("Error allocating memory\n");
    printf("Enter Patient ID: ");
    scanf("%d", &temp->patient_id);
    printf("Enter Patient DOB(DD MM YY): ");
    scanf("%d %d %d", &temp->date_db.day, &temp->date_db.month, 
    printf("Enter Patient Name: ");
    scanf("%s", temp->patient_name);
    printf("Enter Patient Medicine Prescription: ");
    scanf("%s", temp->patient_med.medicine_name);
    printf("Enter Patient Medicine Prescription ID: ");
    scanf("%d", &temp->patient_med.medicine_id);
    temp->nextp = NULL;
    if(patient_headp == NULL){
        patient_headp = temp;
        patient_currentp = patient_headp;
        while(patient_currentp->nextp != NULL){
            patient_currentp = patient_currentp->nextp;
        patient_currentp->nextp = temp;
    printf("Add more patients? (Y/N) ");
    scanf(" %c", &choice);
while (choice == 'Y');
return patient_headp;

void view_patients (patient_t* patient_currentp, patient_t* patient_headp){
    /*patient_currentp = (patient_t*) malloc(sizeof(patient_t));
    if (patient_currentp == NULL){
        printf("Error allocating memory\n");
    patient_currentp = patient_headp;
        printf("%05d %02d/%02d/%02d %s %s %d\n", patient_currentp->patient_id, 
        patient_currentp->date_db.day, patient_currentp->date_db.month, 
        patient_currentp->date_db.year, patient_currentp->patient_name, 
        patient_currentp = patient_currentp->nextp;
    }while(patient_currentp->nextp != NULL);*/
    printf("%05d %02d/%02d/%02d %s %s %d\n", patient_headp->patient_id, 
        patient_headp->date_db.day, patient_headp->date_db.month, 
        patient_headp->date_db.year, patient_headp->patient_name, 

void save_patients (patient_t* patient_currentp, patient_t* patient_headp){
    FILE *output = fopen(DB_NAME, "a");
    if (output == NULL){
        printf("Failed to open file\n");
    patient_currentp = patient_headp;
        fprintf(output, "%05d %02d/%02d/%02d %s %s %d\n", patient_currentp->patient_id, 
        patient_currentp->date_db.day, patient_currentp->date_db.month, 
        patient_currentp->date_db.year, patient_currentp->patient_name, 

        patient_currentp = patient_currentp->nextp;
    }while(patient_currentp != NULL);

patient_t* read_patients (patient_t* patient_currentp, patient_t* patient_headp, patient_t* temp){
    FILE *input = fopen(DB_NAME, "r");
    if (input == NULL){
        printf("Failed to open file\n");
        temp = (patient_t*) malloc(sizeof(patient_t));
        if (temp == NULL){
            printf("Error allocating memory\n");
        while ((fscanf(input, "%05d %02d/%02d/%02d %s %s %d", 
        &temp->patient_id, &temp->date_db.day, 
        &temp->date_db.month, &temp->date_db.year, 
        &temp->patient_med.medicine_id)) != EOF)

        printf("%05d %02d/%02d/%02d %s %s %d\n", temp->patient_id, 
        temp->date_db.day, temp->date_db.month, 
        temp->date_db.year, temp->patient_name, 

        temp->nextp = NULL;
        if(patient_headp == NULL){
            patient_headp = temp;
            patient_currentp = patient_headp;
            while(patient_currentp->nextp != NULL){
                patient_currentp = patient_currentp->nextp;
            patient_currentp->nextp = temp;
    }while(patient_currentp != NULL);
return patient_headp;

标签: clinked-listsegmentation-faultprintf


您的问题的实际情况是(1)没有输入验证,有很多潜在的错误来源可能导致未定义的行为和分段错误,以至于很难确定(2)任何时候列表的地址都可以更改一个函数(例如第一个节点更改),您需要传递的地址, patient_headp以便该函数接收实际的列表指针,而不是保存列表地址的指针的副本,并且(3)您read_patients()是非功能性的(对于一个数字原因),但基本上是因为设置patient_currentp = patient_currentp->nextp;保证while(patient_currentp != NULL);测试错误。




void empty_stdin (void)
    int c = getchar();

    while (c != '\n' && c != EOF)
        c = getchar();


无法以分配给此答案的字符来逐步解决代码中的每个问题。相反,我整理了您的代码,以解决每个用户输入验证问题,从您的函数声明中删除不必要的参数,并更改返回类型 forsave_patients()read_patients()toint1在成功写入或读取时提供,0否则。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define DB_NAME "database"
#define MAXRX   100         /* if you need constants, #define on (or more) */
#define MAXNM    20         /*  (don't use "magic numbers" in your code )  */

typedef struct {
    int day, month, year;
} dob_t;

typedef struct {
    int medicine_id;
    char medicine_name[MAXRX];
} medicine_t;

typedef struct patient {
    int patient_id;
    dob_t date_db;
    char patient_name[MAXNM];
    medicine_t patient_med;
    struct patient* nextp; 
} patient_t;

void empty_stdin (void)
    int c = getchar();

    while (c != '\n' && c != EOF)
        c = getchar();

void print_menu (void);
patient_t *add_patients (patient_t **patient_headp, int *num_patients);
void view_patients (patient_t *patient_headp);
int save_patients (patient_t *patient_headp);
int read_patients (patient_t **patient_headp, int *num_patients);

int main (void) {

    patient_t   *patient_headp = NULL;
    int option_picked = 0,
        num_patients = 0;

    while(option_picked != 5)
        print_menu ();
        if (scanf("%d", &option_picked) != 1) { /* VALIDATE EVERY USER INPUT */
            fputs ("\n  error: invalid input.\n", stderr);

        if (option_picked == 1)
            add_patients (&patient_headp, &num_patients);
        else if (option_picked == 2)
            view_patients (patient_headp);
        else if (option_picked == 3)
            save_patients (patient_headp);
        else if (option_picked == 4)
            read_patients (&patient_headp, &num_patients);
    return 0;

void print_menu (void)
    printf ("\n"
            "1. add a patient\n"
            "2. display all patients\n"
            "3. save the patients to the database file\n"
            "4. load the patients from the database file\n"
            "5. exit the program\n\n"
            "Enter choice (number between 1-5)> ");

patient_t *add_patients (patient_t **patient_headp, int *num_patients)
    patient_t   *patient_currentp = *patient_headp,
                *temp = NULL;
    char choice = 0;

        temp = malloc (sizeof *temp);           /* allocate */
        if (temp == NULL){                      /* validate */
            perror ("add_patients-malloc");
            return NULL;
        temp->nextp = NULL;                     /* initialize */

        printf ("Enter Patient ID: ");
        if (scanf ("%d", &temp->patient_id) != 1)
            goto error_add_pt;

        printf ("Enter Patient DOB(DD MM YY): ");
        if (scanf ("%d %d %d", &temp->date_db.day, &temp->date_db.month, 
                            &temp->date_db.year) != 3)
            goto error_add_pt;

        printf ("Enter Patient Name: ");
        if (scanf ("%s", temp->patient_name) != 1)
            goto error_add_pt;

        printf ("Enter Patient Medicine Prescription: ");
        if (scanf ("%s", temp->patient_med.medicine_name) != 1)
            goto error_add_pt;

        printf ("Enter Patient Medicine Prescription ID: ");
        if (scanf ("%d", &temp->patient_med.medicine_id) != 1)
            goto error_add_pt;

        if (*patient_headp == NULL){
            *patient_headp = patient_currentp = temp;
        else {
            while (patient_currentp->nextp != NULL){
                patient_currentp = patient_currentp->nextp;
            patient_currentp->nextp = temp;

        printf ("Add more patients? (Y/N) ");
        if (scanf (" %c", &choice) < 1) {
            fputs (" user canceled input.\n", stderr);
    while (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y');

    return temp;    /* return pointer to most recent node added */

    fputs ("error: invalid input\n", stderr);
    free (temp);
    return NULL;

void view_patients (patient_t *patient_headp)
    patient_t *patient_currentp = patient_headp;

    while (patient_currentp != NULL) {
        printf ("%05d %02d/%02d/%02d %s %s %d\n", patient_currentp->patient_id, 
                patient_currentp->date_db.day, patient_currentp->date_db.month, 
                patient_currentp->date_db.year, patient_currentp->patient_name, 

        patient_currentp = patient_currentp->nextp;

int save_patients (patient_t *patient_headp)
    patient_t *patient_currentp = patient_headp;
    FILE *output = fopen(DB_NAME, "a");

    if (output == NULL) {   /* validate file open to append */
        fprintf (stderr, "error: file open failed '%s'\n", DB_NAME);
        return 0;

    while(patient_currentp != NULL) {

        fprintf (output, "%05d %02d/%02d/%02d %s %s %d\n", 
                patient_currentp->date_db.day, patient_currentp->date_db.month, 
                patient_currentp->date_db.year, patient_currentp->patient_name, 

        patient_currentp = patient_currentp->nextp;

    if (fclose (output) == EOF) {
        fputs ("error: stream error on fclose.\n", stderr);
        return 0;

    return 1;

int read_patients (patient_t **patient_headp, int *num_patients)
    patient_t   tmp = {0},
                *patient_currentp = *patient_headp;
    FILE *input = fopen(DB_NAME, "r");

    if (input == NULL){ /* validate file open for reading */
        fprintf (stderr, "error: file open failed '%s'\n", DB_NAME);
        return 0;

    while (patient_currentp && patient_currentp->nextp != NULL)
        patient_currentp = patient_currentp->nextp;

    while (fscanf (input, "%05d %02d/%02d/%02d %19s %99s %d", 
                &tmp.patient_id, &tmp.date_db.day, 
                &tmp.patient_med.medicine_id) == 7) {

        patient_t *node = malloc (sizeof *node);
        if (node == NULL) {
            perror ("read_patients-malloc");
            return 0;
        node->nextp = NULL;

        *node = tmp;

        if (!patient_currentp)
            *patient_headp = patient_currentp = node;
        else {
            patient_currentp->nextp = node;
            patient_currentp = patient_currentp->nextp;

        printf ("%05d %02d/%02d/%02d %s %s %d\n", node->patient_id, 
                node->date_db.day, node->date_db.month, 
                node->date_db.year, node->patient_name, 

    fclose (input);

    return 1;


示例使用/输出 - 输入数据

$ ./bin/llpatients

1. add a patient
2. display all patients
3. save the patients to the database file
4. load the patients from the database file
5. exit the program

Enter choice (number between 1-5)> 1
Enter Patient ID: 10001
Enter Patient DOB(DD MM YY): 1 1 72
Enter Patient Name: Epoch
Enter Patient Medicine Prescription: Clonapin
Enter Patient Medicine Prescription ID: 2001
Add more patients? (Y/N) y
Enter Patient ID: 10002
Enter Patient DOB(DD MM YY): 31 10 72
Enter Patient Name: Halloween
Enter Patient Medicine Prescription: Potion
Enter Patient Medicine Prescription ID: 2002
Add more patients? (Y/N) n

1. add a patient
2. display all patients
3. save the patients to the database file
4. load the patients from the database file
5. exit the program

Enter choice (number between 1-5)> 2
10001 01/01/72 Epoch Clonapin 2001
10002 31/10/72 Halloween Potion 2002

1. add a patient
2. display all patients
3. save the patients to the database file
4. load the patients from the database file
5. exit the program

Enter choice (number between 1-5)> 3

1. add a patient
2. display all patients
3. save the patients to the database file
4. load the patients from the database file
5. exit the program

Enter choice (number between 1-5)> 5

示例使用/输出 - 从文件中读取

$ ./bin/llpatients

1. add a patient
2. display all patients
3. save the patients to the database file
4. load the patients from the database file
5. exit the program

Enter choice (number between 1-5)> 4
10001 01/01/72 Epoch Clonapin 2001
10002 31/10/72 Halloween Potion 2002

1. add a patient
2. display all patients
3. save the patients to the database file
4. load the patients from the database file
5. exit the program

Enter choice (number between 1-5)> 2
10001 01/01/72 Epoch Clonapin 2001
10002 31/10/72 Halloween Potion 2002

1. add a patient
2. display all patients
3. save the patients to the database file
4. load the patients from the database file
5. exit the program

Enter choice (number between 1-5)> 5

