首页 > 解决方案 > 返回营业时间,午夜过后


我的 MySQL 数据库中存储了打开和关闭时间,如下所示:

opening_time_Sunday  10:30
closing_time_Sunday  00:00
opening_time_Monday  09:30
closing_time_Monday  01:30
opening_time_Tuesday  09:30
closing_time_Tuesday  01:30
opening_time_Wednesday  09:30
closing_time_Wednesday  01:30
opening_time_Thursday  09:30
closing_time_Thursday  01:30
opening_time_Friday  09:30
closing_time_Friday  23:00
opening_time_Saturday  10:30
closing_time_Saturday  00:00

我遇到的问题是在尝试显示商店的营业时间和关闭时间时,比如说星期一,如果过了午夜,它会开始读取星期二的时间并显示商店已经关闭,即使它本来应该营业到上午 01:30 .


public static function setting($setting)
    $config = Settings::where('setting', $setting)->first();
    if ($config) {
        return $config->value;

public static function Today() {
    $today = date('l');
    $start      = self::setting('opening_time_' . $today); // Select value from settings table
    $end        = self::setting('closing_time_' . $today); // Select value from settings table
    return $start . " - " . $end;

标签: php




动态示例:https ://3v4l.org/Cs6jS

public static function Today() {
    $currentDate = new \DateTimeImmutable;
    $priorDate = $currentDate->sub(new \DateTimeInterval('P1D'));
    $yesterday = $priorDate->format('l');

    $priorClosing = self::setting('closing_time_' . $yesterday);
    $closeDate = $currentDate->setTime(...explode(':', $priorClosing));

    if ($closeDate->format('a') === 'am' && $currentDate < $closeDate) {
        //check if the closing has not occurred yet
        $currentDate = $priorDate;

    $today = $currentDate->format('l');
    $start = self::setting('opening_time_' . $today);
    $end = self::setting('closing_time_' . $today);

    return $start . " - " . $end;


Day         |   00:15:00                    |   23:00:00
Monday      |   Monday: 09:30 - 01:30       |   Monday: 09:30 - 01:30
Tuesday     |   Monday: 09:30 - 01:30       |   Tuesday: 09:30 - 01:30
Wednesday   |   Tuesday: 09:30 - 01:30      |   Wednesday: 09:30 - 01:30
Thursday    |   Wednesday: 09:30 - 01:30    |   Thursday: 09:30 - 01:30
Friday      |   Thursday: 09:30 - 01:30     |   Friday: 09:30 - 23:00
Saturday    |   Saturday: 10:30 - 00:00     |   Saturday: 10:30 - 00:00
Sunday      |   Sunday: 10:30 - 00:00       |   Sunday: 10:30 - 00:00


使用您当前的营业时间结构,当开盘日期和闭盘日期的时间均为 时,上述示例将提供误报AM。避免这种情况的唯一方法是将一周中的某一天包含在给定日期的开始和结束时间中。

比较示例:https ://3v4l.org/q57eD

(最准确 - 如果操作持续时间不超过 24 小时)

解决前一天在AM. 问题是关闭一天是未知的,并且假设操作持续时间总是少于 24 小时。您还将比较前一个日期的开放时间与结束日期,并确保它们不超过 24 小时。

public static function Today() {
    $currentDate = new \DateTimeImmutable;
    $priorDate = $currentDate->sub(new \DateTimeInterval('P1D'));
    $yesterday = $priorDate->format('l');

    $priorOpening = self::setting('opening_time_' . $yesterday);
    $priorClosing = self::setting('closing_time_' . $yesterday);

    $priorOpenDate = $priorDate->setTime(...explode(':', $priorOpening));
    $closeDate = $currentDate->setTime(...explode(':', $priorClosing));
    $diff = $priorOpenDate->diff($closeDate);

    if ($diff->d === 0 && $currentDate < $closeDate) {
        //check if the closing has not occurred yet
        $currentDate = $priorDate;

    $today = $currentDate->format('l');
    $start = self::setting('opening_time_' . $today);
    $end = self::setting('closing_time_' . $today);

    return $start . " - " . $end;



硬编码示例:https ://3v4l.org/Vtr6L

public static function Today() {
    $currentDate = new \DateTimeImmutable;
    if (in_array($currentDate->format('N'), [2, 3, 4, 5])) {              
        //check current time is not beyond the threshold
        $closedDate = $currentDate->setTime(1, 30, 00);
        if ($currentDate < $closedDate) {
            //change the date to display to day prior
            $currentDate = $currentDate->sub(new \DateInterval('P1D'));
    $today = $currentDate->format('l');

    $start      = self::setting('opening_time_' . $today); // Select value from settings table
    $end        = self::setting('closing_time_' . $today); // Select value from settings table
    return $start . " - " . $end;
