首页 > 解决方案 > 改进 dplyr 解决方案 -- 根据其他信息通过条件排序(位置)创建变量


我正在研究一个数据集,其中每个参与者(ID)都被评估了 1、2 或 3 次。这是一项纵向研究。不幸的是,当第一位分析师对数据集进行编码时,她/他没有分配任何相关信息。

因为所有参与者都有年龄信息(以月为单位),所以很容易识别第一次评估的时间,第二次评估的时间等等。在第一次评估中,参与者比第二次年轻,依此类推。 数据集——列和信息

我使用 tidyverse 工具来处理这个问题,一切正常。但是,我真的知道(想象一下......)还有许多其他(更多)优雅的解决方案,我来到这个论坛寻求这个。有人可以给我一些关于如何使这段代码更短更清晰的想法吗?


ds <- data.frame(id = seq(1:6),
                 months = round(rnorm(18, mean=12, sd=2),0),
                 x1 = sample(0:2), 
                 x2 = sample(0:2),
                 x3 = sample(0:2),
                 x4 = sample(0:2))

#add how many times each child was acessed
ds <- ds %>% group_by(id) %>% mutate(how_many = n())
#Add position
ds %>% group_by(id) %>% 
  mutate(first = min(months), 
         max = max(months), 
         med = median(months)) -> ds

#add label to the third evaluation (the second will be missing)
ds %>% 
  mutate(group = case_when((how_many == 3) & (months %in% first) ~ "First evaluation",
                           (how_many == 3) & (months %in% max) ~ "Third evaluation",
                           TRUE ~ group)) -> ds
#add label to the second evaluation for all children evaluated two times 
ds %>% mutate_at(vars(group), funs(if_else(is.na(.),"Second Evaluation",.))) -> ds


temp <- dataset %>% select(idind, arm, infant_sex,infant_age_months)
#add how many times each child was acessed
temp <- temp %>% group_by(idind) %>% mutate(how_many = n())
#Add position
temp %>% group_by(idind) %>% 
  mutate(first = min(infant_age_months), 
         max = max(infant_age_months), 
         med = median(infant_age_months)) -> temp

#add label to the first evaluation
temp %>% 
  mutate(group = case_when(how_many == 1 ~ "First evaluation")) -> temp

#add label to the second evaluation (and keep all previous results)
temp %>% 
  mutate(group = case_when((how_many == 2) & (infant_age_months %in% first) ~ "First evaluation",
                           (how_many == 2) & (infant_age_months %in% max) ~ "Second evaluation",
                           TRUE ~ group)) -> temp

#add label to the third evaluation (the second will be missing)
temp %>% 
  mutate(group = case_when((how_many == 3) & (infant_age_months %in% first) ~ "First evaluation",
                           (how_many == 3) & (infant_age_months %in% max) ~ "Third evaluation",
                           TRUE ~ group)) -> temp
#add label to the second evaluation for all children evaluated two times 
temp %>% mutate_at(vars(group), funs(if_else(is.na(.),"Second Evaluation",.))) -> temp


标签: rtidyversedplyr



ds <- data.frame(id = seq(1:6),
             months = round(rnorm(18, mean=12, sd=2),0),
             x1 = sample(0:2), 
             x2 = sample(0:2),
             x3 = sample(0:2),
             x4 = sample(0:2))

ds2 = ds %>% group_by(id) %>% mutate(rank = rank(months,ties.method="first"))
labels = c("First", "Second","Third")
ds2$labels = labels[ds2$rank] 
