首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 excel vba 在嵌套视图中发送 Outlook 电子邮件



'create session
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim newMail As Object
Dim Emailto, sendfrom As String

'create reply
Dim convo As Conversation
Dim convoItem
Dim entry As String

For J = ws.Cells(5, "C").Value To ws.Cells(6, "C").Value

'get value from combo box
If combovalue = "First Reminder" Then
'MsgBox combovalue

'set a reply
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutNS = OutApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
entry = ws.Cells(J, "G")
Set mail = OutNS.GetItemFromID(entry) 'get handle on mail item
Set convo = mail.GetConversation 'get handle on existing conversation
Set convoItem = convo.GetRootItems(1) 'get convo root item
Set newMail = convoItem.Reply 'new email as reply to convo
Emailto = ws.Cells(J, "D").Value
sendfrom = "email"

On Error Resume Next
With newMail
.SendUsingAccount = sendfrom
.To = Emailto
.Subject = "Test"
.VotingOptions = "Acknowledge;"
.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
.HTMLBody = "Body here"
.Send 'or use .Display to open Outlook's new message window before sending
ws.Cells(J, "T").Value = Date
End With

On Error GoTo 0
Set OutApp = Nothing
Set newMail = Nothing
End If

If combovalue = "Second Reminder" Then
'MsgBox ("Correct")
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutNS = OutApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
entry = ws.Cells(J, "Z")
Set mail = OutNS.GetItemFromID(entry) 'get handle on mail item
Set convo = mail.GetConversation 'get handle on existing conversation
Set convoItem = convo.GetRootItems(1) 'get convo root item
Set newMail = convoItem.Reply 'new email as reply to convo
Emailto = ws.Cells(J, "D").Value
sendfrom = "email"

On Error Resume Next
With newMail
.SendUsingAccount = sendfrom
.To = Emailto
.BCC = ""
.Subject = "Test"
.VotingOptions = "Acknowledge;"
.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
.HTMLBody = "Body here"
.Send 'or use .Display to open Outlook's new message window before sending
ws.Cells(J, "U").Value = Date
End With

On Error GoTo 0
Set OutApp = Nothing
Set newMail = Nothing
End If
Next J


编辑 示例:

1.parent email entry ID AABJ23



标签: excelvbaoutlook


您正在使用两个不同的 entryID 来检索convo.GetRootItems(1)哪个是原始项目。

entryID 已经标识了您要回复的邮件。

If comboValue = "First Reminder" Then

    entry = ws.Cells(j, "G") ' entryID of the parent mail
    Set Mail = OutNS.GetItemFromID(entry) 'get handle on parent mail
    Set newMail = Mail.reply 'new email as reply to parent mail

End If

If comboValue = "Second Reminder" Then

    entry = ws.Cells(j, "Z") ' entryID of first reminder
    Set Mail = OutNS.GetItemFromID(entry) 'get handle on first reminder item
    Set newMail = Mail.reply 'new email as reply to first reminder

End If
