首页 > 解决方案 > Sinon stub argument return fake callback


I just want to know if it is possible to fake a callback on a stub argument.

This is basically what I want to achieve and I found nothing on Sinon's documentation:

function A(arg1, arg2, next){

    return [arg1, arg2, next];

function B(string){
    return string;

function C(){
    return 'Mocked next';

var obj = {
    A: A,
    test: 'test'

var result1 = obj.A(1, 2, B('Next')); // result1 = [1, 2, 'Next']

sandbox.stub(obj, 'A')//.Argument[2].Returns(C());

var result2 = obj.A(1, 2, B('Next')); // result2 = [1, 2, 'Mocked next']

Is it possible?

标签: sinon



sinon没有提供直接模拟 a 参数的方法stub,但它确实提供callsFake了让您创建自己的实现的方法。


const original = obj.A;  // capture original obj.A
sandbox.stub(obj, 'A').callsFake((...args) => original(args[0], args[1], C()));

const result = obj.A(1, 2, B('Next'));
sinon.assert.match(result, [1, 2, 'Mocked next']);  // SUCCESS
