首页 > 解决方案 > 如何为函子制作点(组成)和美元(应用程序)符号?


我为函子 (○) 做了点号,但我的应用程序 (↯) 不起作用,我在test3函数声明中有错误

{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Main where

import Protolude

-- composition of functors, analog of .
infixr 9 ○
type (○) f g a = f (g a)

-- functor application, analog of $
infixr 0 ↯
type (↯) f a = f a

test :: [] (Maybe Int)
test = [Just 1]

test2 :: ([] ○ Maybe) Int
test2 = [Just 1]

test3 :: ([] ○ Maybe) ↯ Int -- error here
test3 = [Just 1]

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print test
  print test2
  return ()


[Error]• The type synonym ‘○’ should have 3 arguments, but has been given 2 • In the type signature: test3 :: ([] ○ Maybe) ↯ Int



这是使用 newtype 的实现,因为type synonyms cannot be partially applied(@M.Aroosi)



{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Main where

import Protolude

-- I can't use `type` here, because type synonyms cannot be partially applied

-- composition of functors, analog of .
infixr 9 ○
newtype (○) f g a = Composition (f (g a)) deriving (Show)

-- functor application, analog of $
infixr 0 ↯
newtype (↯) f a = Apply (f a) deriving (Show)

test :: [] (Maybe Int)
test = [Just 1]

test2 :: ([] ○ Maybe) Int
test2 = Composition [Just 1]

test2' :: [] ○ Maybe ↯ Int
test2' = Apply (Composition [Just 1])

test3 :: ([] ○ Maybe ○ Maybe) Int
test3 = Composition [Composition (Just (Just 1))]

test3' :: [] ○ Maybe ○ Maybe ↯ Int
test3' = Apply (Composition [Composition (Just (Just 1))])

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print test
  print test2
  print test2'
  print test3
  print test3'
  return ()


这可以在 idris 中轻松完成

module Main

test : List (Maybe Integer)
test = [Just 1]

-- using (.) from prelude
test1 : (List . Maybe) Integer
test1 = [Just 1]

-- using (.) and ($) from prelude
test2 : List . Maybe $ Integer
test2 = [Just 1]

main : IO ()
main = do
  print test
  print test1
  print test2



module Main where

import Prelude
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE, logShow)

type Composition f g a = f (g a)
infixr 9 type Composition as ○

type Apply f a = f a
infixr 0 type Apply as ↯

test1 :: (Array ○ Maybe) Int
test1 = [Just 1]

test2 :: Array ○ Maybe ↯ Int
test2 = [Just 1]

test3 :: (Array ○ Maybe ○ Maybe) Int
test3 = [Just (Just 1)]

test4 :: Array ○ Maybe ○ Maybe ↯ Int
test4 = [Just (Just 1)]

main :: forall e. Eff (console :: CONSOLE | e) Unit
main = do
  logShow test1
  logShow test2
  logShow test3
  logShow test4


haskell 正在努力使这成为可能


标签: haskell



在我开始之前,有一些东西支持使用普通数据类型/新类型:您可以为组合类型定义函子实例,使其充当一个单元,也就是说,您可以定义instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Compose f g) where ..以下方法无法做到的。
可能有一个库允许您使用类型列表而不是仅 2 个(类似Compose [Maybe, [], Either Int] a)来执行此操作,但我现在似乎找不到它,所以如果有人知道它可能是比我在下面介绍的一个(在我看来)。




import Data.Kind (Type)

让我们定义一个Exp a代表a.
我们还将定义一个类型族Eval,它可以让我们完成繁重的工作,它需要一个Exp a并给我们一个a

type Exp a = a -> Type
type family Eval (e :: Exp a) :: a

我们现在可以定义我们的运算符(○)and (↯)(我更喜欢在这里使用更容易键入的运算符,比如 # 和 $,但我会坚持使用你为这个答案选择的那些)。

infixr 9 ○
data (○) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> Exp b) -> a -> Exp c

infixr 0 ↯
data (↯) :: (a -> Exp b) -> a -> Exp b

注意最后一种Exp a对他们来说是怎样的?这允许我们给他们类型实例Eval

type instance Eval ((○) f g a) = f (Eval (g a))
type instance Eval ((↯) f a) = Eval (f a)

现在你可能想知道 "(○)的第二个参数是 kind a -> Exp b,但我想给它类似Maybewhich has kind * -> *!",这就是我们对这个问题有 3 个解决方案的地方:

  1. 添加另一个运算符,说(%)which 就像(○)但接受第二个 kind 参数a -> b而不是a -> Exp b. 这只需要替换最右边的合成运算符。
  2. 将类型“提升”a -> ba -> Exp b,我将使用为此命名的数据类型Lift。这只需要对组合中最右边的类型进行。
  3. 提供一种“什么都不做”的数据类型a -> Exp b,我称之为Pure.

以下是用 Haskell 编写的三个解决方案:

infixr 9 %
data (%) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Exp c
type instance Eval ((%) f g a) = f (g a)

data Lift :: (a -> b) -> a -> Exp b
type instance Eval (Lift f a) = f a

data Pure :: a -> Exp a
type instance Eval (Pure a) = a 


data Compose :: [a -> a] -> a -> Exp a 
type instance Eval (Compose '[] a) = a
type instance Eval (Compose (x:xs) a) = x (Eval (Compose xs a))

现在我们可以制作我们的程序,其中包含一些测试和main仅打印测试值的 a:


module Main where

import Data.Kind (Type)

type Exp a = a -> Type
type family Eval (e :: Exp a) :: a

infixr 9 ○
data (○) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> Exp b) -> a -> Exp c

infixr 0 ↯
data (↯) :: (a -> Exp b) -> a -> Exp b

type instance Eval ((○) f g a) = f (Eval (g a))
type instance Eval ((↯) f a) = Eval (f a)

infixr 9 %
data (%) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Exp c
type instance Eval ((%) f g a) = f (g a)

data Lift :: (a -> b) -> a -> Exp b
type instance Eval (Lift f a) = f a

data Pure :: a -> Exp a
type instance Eval (Pure a) = a 

data Compose :: [a -> a] -> a -> Exp a 
type instance Eval (Compose '[] a) = a
type instance Eval (Compose (x:xs) a) = x (Eval (Compose xs a))

test :: [] (Maybe Int)
test = [Just 1]

-- using %
test2 :: Eval (([] % Maybe) Int)
test2 = [Just 1]

test2' :: Eval ([] % Maybe ↯ Int)
test2' = [Just 1]

-- works for longer types too
test3 :: Eval (([] ○ Maybe % Maybe) Int)
test3 = [Just (Just 1)]

test3' :: Eval ([] ○ Maybe % Maybe ↯ Int)
test3' = [Just (Just 1)]

-- we can instead Lift the rightmost type
test4 :: Eval (([] ○ Maybe ○ Lift Maybe) Int)
test4 = [Just (Just 1)]

test4' :: Eval ([] ○ Maybe ○ Lift Maybe ↯ Int)
test4' = [Just (Just 1)]

-- an even longer type, with definition "matching" the type declaration
test5 :: Eval ([] ○ Maybe ○ Either Bool % Maybe ↯ Int)
test5 = (:[]) . Just . Right . Just $ 1

-- Same as above, but instead let's use Pure so we don't need to lift the Maybe or use %
test6 :: Eval ([] ○ Maybe ○ Either Bool ○ Maybe ○ Pure ↯ Int)
test6= (:[]) . Just . Right . Just $ 1

-- same as above, uses Compose
test7 :: Eval (Compose [[], Maybe, Either Bool, Maybe] Int)
test7= (:[]) . Just . Right . Just $ 1

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print test
  print test2
  print test2'
  print test3
  print test3'
  print test4
  print test4'
  print test5
  print test6
  print test7
  return ()
