首页 > 解决方案 > Maven release not calling resources:resources plugin


I'm trying to deploy a maven project and upgrade the versions by executing the maven release plugin on TeamCity. I am able to successfully do this - however, the resources:resources plugin is no longer executed. Or more accurately, it is executed but not doing the expected changes. When I run a maven package or install however, it works. Not sure what it is I'm missing. Any help would be appreciated.

Below is my code Parent pom

                    <arguments>-Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dmaven.test.skipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -DCONTINUOUS_BUILD_ID=%build.counter% -DGIT_COMMIT=%build.vcs.number% -DGIT_BRANCH=%vcsroot.branch%</arguments>

Child pom

            <!-- Adds ${buildNumber} to buildNumber.properties -->

I run the following command:

mvn -B -e initialize release:branch release:clean release:prepare release:stage -DCONTINUOUS_BUILD_ID=%build.counter% -DGIT_COMMIT=%build.vcs.number% -DGIT_BRANCH=%vcsroot.branch%...

And I have in my child project in the src/main/resources folder a file called application-deployed.properties with the following lines which is what I want to change.

# build information by team city

Any help is much appreciated

标签: javamaventeamcitymaven-release-pluginmaven-resources-plugin


maven-resources-plugin无权访问您在命令行中传递的参数。这样做的原因是在单独的 Maven 执行中调用了deploy目标(其中包括resources:resources等) 。maven-release-plugin

为了克服这个限制,maven-release-plugin接受arguments参数的目标可用于将参数传递给上述单独的 Maven 执行。尝试通过以下方式修改命令行:

mvn -B -e initialize release:branch release:clean release:prepare release:stage -Darguments="-DCONTINUOUS_BUILD_ID=%build.counter% -DGIT_COMMIT=%build.vcs.number% -DGIT_BRANCH=%vcsroot.branch%"
