首页 > 解决方案 > 多图中的行标题


在下图中,每一行对应一个不同的案例/参数。参数从上到下依次为nmesh-2, nmesh-4, nmesh-6, nmesh-8。我想将每个参数写在 ylabel 或Elapsed time. 换句话说,我想要一个“行标题”。如果参数名称大于并旋转为Elapsed time. 我的代码包含文件名,但如果我也包含它。


set key autotitle columnhead
set boxwidth 0.5
set style fill transparent solid
set nokey

set terminal wxt size 1900,990
set multiplot layout 4, 7
set xtics rotate by -45

np = "8 12 16 20 24 28 32"
do for [IDX=1:7] {
    if (IDX == 1) {
        set ylabel 'Elapsed time'
    else {
        unset ylabel
    set title sprintf("np-%s", word(np, IDX))
    plot sprintf("run-1/np-%s/nmesh-2/load-estim-0/hole-cut-implicit/cpupertask-3/ncell-11/dominant-0.dat", word(np, IDX)) u 2:xtic(1) with boxes
set notitle
do for [IDX=1:7] {
    if (IDX == 1) {
        set ylabel 'Elapsed time'
    else {
        unset ylabel
    plot sprintf("run-1/np-%s/nmesh-4/load-estim-0/hole-cut-implicit/cpupertask-3/ncell-11/dominant-0.dat", word(np, IDX)) u 2:xtic(1) with boxes
do for [IDX=1:7] {
    if (IDX == 1) {
        set ylabel 'Elapsed time'
    else {
        unset ylabel
    plot sprintf("run-1/np-%s/nmesh-6/load-estim-0/hole-cut-implicit/cpupertask-3/ncell-11/dominant-0.dat", word(np, IDX)) u 2:xtic(1) with boxes
do for [IDX=1:7] {
    if (IDX == 1) {
        set ylabel 'Elapsed time'
    else {
        unset ylabel
    plot sprintf("run-1/np-%s/nmesh-10/load-estim-0/hole-cut-implicit/cpupertask-3/ncell-11/dominant-0.dat", word(np, IDX)) u 2:xtic(1) with boxes

标签: gnuplot


也许最简单的方法是使用多行 y 标签:

set ylabel "nmesh-2\n\nElapsed time"

然而,这种解决方案的灵活性相当有限。作为替代方案,可以使用set multiplotmargins选项以确保在整个多图的全局左边距中有足够的“行标题”空间,手动计算屏幕坐标中各个“行标题”的坐标并在最后一个情节中渲染它们:

set terminal pngcairo size 1900,990 enhanced
set output 'fig.png'

numOfRows = 4
marginLeft = 0.1
marginRight = marginLeft/2
marginV = 0.1
plotSpacing = marginV / 2
plotHeight = (1. - 2*marginV - (numOfRows-1)*plotSpacing) / numOfRows
labelPos(i) = 1. - (marginV + plotHeight/2 + i*(plotHeight + plotSpacing))

params = "nmesh-2 nmesh-4 nmesh-6 nmesh-8"

set multiplot layout numOfRows,7 margins marginLeft,1-marginRight,marginV,1-marginV spacing plotSpacing

set key autotitle columnhead
set boxwidth 0.5
set style fill transparent solid
set nokey

set xtics rotate by -45

np = "8 12 16 20 24 28 32"
do for [IDX=1:7] {
    if (IDX == 1) {
        set ylabel 'Elapsed time'
    else {
        unset ylabel
    set title sprintf("np-%s", word(np, IDX))
    plot sin(x) w l
set notitle
do for [IDX=1:7] {
    if (IDX == 1) {
        set ylabel 'Elapsed time'
    else {
        unset ylabel
    plot sin(x) w l
do for [IDX=1:7] {
    if (IDX == 1) {
        set ylabel 'Elapsed time'
    else {
        unset ylabel
    plot sin(x) w l

do for [IDX=1:7] {
    if (IDX == 1) {
        set ylabel "Elapsed time"
    else {
        unset ylabel

    if (IDX == 7) {
      do for [j=1:4] {
        set label word(params, j) at screen marginLeft/2, screen labelPos(j-1) offset char -2, 0 center rotate by 90 font "Arial,16"
    plot sin(x) w l

这应该产生: 在此处输入图像描述
