首页 > 解决方案 > CKEditor 4 - How to deactivate spellcheck in Source view


In wysiwyg mode using CKEditor 4, spellcheck is not enabled. Words can be misspelt & ignored by the Editor as below. This is desired behaviour in our case.screenshot of misspelt word being ignored which is the desired behaviour in our scenario

In Source view however, the same word is picked up as misspelt with a red dotted underline which is not desired behaviour in our case. screenshot of same misspelt word being picked up & marked with red dotted line

How do we prevent spellcheck running (assuming this is what's triggering the red dotted underline) when viewing content in Source view & thereby also stop html code being highlighted with dotted red underlines because the spellcheck simply doesn't recognise them?

标签: spell-checkingckeditor4.x


我测试了以下官方演示链接: https ://sdk.ckeditor.com/samples/spellchecker.html



在 Chrome 上:设置 > 高级设置 > 语言 > 拼写检查(关闭活动语言)

WYSIWYG 和 Source 窗口中的所有错误都应该消失。

