首页 > 解决方案 > Adding an image into an .html envelope for signature via REST API


I am trying to include an image into the document that I am sending for signature but it will not render. The envelope I am sending is an .HTML file which Docusign then converts to PDF. Does Docusign support <img/> elements within an HTML envelope? Anyone have experience with this or know what my issue would be? I have tried the same image as PNG, JPG, and SVG...none of which render. Any feedback is much appreciated.

This is what my image tag looks like (with PNG):

<img src="./path/to/my/image.png" class="logo" alt="logo"/>

And what the image "renders" as in the PDF, which is not correct: docusign pdf image

标签: htmlpngdocusignapi


虽然在将文档上传到 Docusign 时我没有让它工作.html,但为我解决的问题是将 HTML 转换为 PDF(使用 wkhtmltopdf),然后将 PDF 上传到 Docusign。希望这对将来的某人有所帮助。
