首页 > 解决方案 > COBOL 代码不会编译和创建可执行文件


我正在尝试为给定的输入文件创建一个报告,我应该在其中检查每条记录以确定它是否不符合某些标准。我现在面临的问题是 cob 文件不会编译,即使它在命令窗口上编译时没有明确显示任何错误,并且没有创建可执行文件。我想知道你们中的任何人是否可以帮助我找出错误在我的代码中的位置。

Identification Division.
   Program-ID. lab5.

   Environment Division.
   Input-Output Section.
       Select PayrollFile
       Assign to "lab5-in.dat"
       Organization is Line Sequential.
       Select OutputReport
       Assign to "lab5-out.dat"
       Organization is Line Sequential.

   Data Division.
   File Section.
   FD  PayrollFile.
   01  Input-Rec.
       05 Rec-RegionNum Pic X(2).
       05 Rec-RegionName Pic X(15).           
       05 Rec-DeptNum Pic X(5).
       05 Rec-DeptName Pic X(30).           
       05 Rec-EmployeeNum Pic X(5). 
       05 Rec-LastName Pic X(20).
       05 Rec-FirstName Pic X(15).
       05 Rec-Gender Pic X.
       05 Rec-Address Pic X(20).
       05 Rec-CityState Pic X(20).
       05 Rec-Title Pic X(20).
       05 Rec-DOB Pic 9(8).
       05 Rec-DOH.
            10 RecDOH-YYYY Pic 9(4).
            10 RecDOH-MM Pic 9(2).
            10 RecDOH-DD Pic 9(2).
       05 Rec-Marital Pic X.
       05 Rec-Deps Pic 99.
       05 Rec-SD Pic X(3).
       05 Rec-Ins Pic X(3).
       05 Rec-401k Pic V999.
       05 Rec-PayCode Pic X.
       05 Rec-Pay Pic 9(7)V9(2).
       05 Rec-HrsPerWeek Pic 9(2)V9(2).
       05 Rec-CommissionRate Pic V999.
       05 Rec-ActualSales Pic 9(7)V9(2).

   FD  OutputReport.
   01  Output-Rec Pic X(210).

   Working-Storage Section.
   01 WS-EmployeeNum Pic X(5).
   01 WS-DeptName Pic X(30).
   01 WS-Gender Pic X.
       88 ValidGender Values "M" "m" "F" "f".
   01 WS-Marital Pic X.
       88 ValidMarital Values "D" "d" "M" "m" "P" "p" "S" "s" "W"
   01 WS-PayCode Pic X.
       88 ValidPayCode Values "C" "c" "H" "h" "S" "s".
   01 WS-HrsPerWeek Pic S9(2)V9(2).
   01  WS-Pay Pic S9(7)V9(2).
   01 WS-DOH.
       10 DOH-YYYY Pic 9(4).
       10 DOH-MM Pic 9(2).
       10 DOH-DD Pic 9(2).
   01 WS-SD Pic X(3).
   01  WS-Date.
       05 WS-YYYY Pic 9(4).
       05 WS-MM Pic 9(2).
       05 WS-DD Pic 9(2).
   01  EndOfFileIndicator Pic X.
       88 EOF Value "Y" When Set To False is "N".
   01  Total-Line.
       05           Pic X(25) Value "Total errors: ".
       05 TL-TotalE  Pic ZZ9.
   01  TotalRE-Line.
       05           Pic X(50) Value "Total record with errors: ".
       05 TL-TotalRE Pic ZZ9.           
   01  TotError Pic 9(3).
   01  TotRecordError Pic 9(3).
   01  CurrentRec Pic X(208).
   01  Blank-Line Pic X Value Spaces.
   01  Report-Fields.
       05 PageNumber Pic 99 Value 0.
       05 LinesPerPage Pic 99 Value 35.
       05 LineNumber Pic 99 Value 99.       

   Procedure Division.
       Perform 100-initialize                     
       Perform until EOF
          Read PayrollFile
             At End 
             Set EOF to True
             not at end
                perform 300-process
       Perform 900-finalize
       Close PayrollFile OutputReport
       Stop Run.

       Perform 110-open-files
       Move Zero to TotError
       Move Zero to TotRecordError.

       Open Input PayrollFile
       Open Output OutputReport.

       Move Input-Rec to CurrentRec
       Move Rec-EmployeeNum to WS-EmployeeNum
       Move Rec-DeptName to WS-DeptName
       Move Rec-Gender to WS-Gender
       Move Rec-Marital to WS-Marital             
       Move Rec-PayCode to WS-PayCode              
       Move Rec-HrsPerWeek to WS-HrsPerWeek
       Move Rec-Pay to WS-Pay
       Move Rec-DOH to WS-DOH
       Perform 400-check.

        If WS-EmployeeNum is Not Numeric
            Add 1 to TotError TotRecordError
        If WS-DeptName Is Not Alphabetic
            Add 1 to TotError TotRecordError
        If Not ValidGender
            Add 1 to TotError TotRecordError
        If Not ValidMarital
            Add 1 to TotError TotRecordError
        If Not ValidPayCode
            Add 1 to TotError TotRecordError
        If WS-HrsPerWeek Is Negative And >= 60
            Add 2 to TotError
            Add 1 to TotRecordError
        If WS-HrsPerWeek Is Negative Or >=60
            Add 1 to TotError TotRecordError
        If WS-Pay Is Not Numeric and Is Negative
            Add 2 to TotError
            Add 1 to TotRecordError
        If WS-Pay Is Negative Or Not Numeric
            Add 1 to TotError TotRecordError
        If Function Test-Date-YYYYMMDD(WS-DOH) Is Not Zero Or WS-DOH Is Not Numeric
            Add 1 to TotError TotRecordError

       perform 950-print-grand-total.

       Write Output-Rec from Blank-Line
          After advancing 1 line
       Move TotError to TL-TotalE
       Write Output-Rec from Total-Line
          after advancing 1 line
       Move TotRecordError to TL-TotalRE
       Write Output-Rec from TotalRE-Line
          after advancing 1 line.

标签: cobolgnucobol


当您使用 GnuCOBOL 标记时,我刚刚使用了一个简单的 compile


main.cobc: in paragraph '400-check':
main.cobc: 139: error: invalid expression
main.cobc: 143: error: invalid expression
main.cobc: 146: error: invalid expression
main.cobc: 150: error: invalid expression
main.cobc: 153: error: FUNCTION 'TEST-DATE-YYYYMMDD' has invalid parameter
main.cobc: 153: error: invalid expression
main.cobc: 153: error: invalid expression

无效的表达式部分是“负数”(附加的第 139 行没有意义“负数且 >= 60”,因为这永远不会是真的;第 146 行更奇怪:“不是数字并且是负数”)。

我现在面临的问题是 cob 文件不会编译,即使它在编译时没有明确显示任何错误

