首页 > 解决方案 > 在 Access 中为 Search-As-You-Type 截断尾随空格



Private Sub TxtSearch_Change()
Dim CursorPosition As Long
Dim strSearch As String
Dim sqlSearch As String

CursorPosition = TxtSearch.SelStart

Me.Dirty = False 'set the dirty property to false to save the current value
strSearch = ""
If Not IsNull(Me.TxtSearch.Value) Then
    strSearch = Me.TxtSearch.Value
End If

searchLength = Len(strSearch)
If searchLength < CursorPosition Then
    For i = 1 To (CursorPosition- searchLength)
        strSearch = strSearch + " "
End If

'Check if a keyword has been entered or not
If strSearch = "" Then
    sqlShowAll = "SELECT * FROM qrySearch"
    Forms![frmSearch]!fsubTest.Form.RecordSource = sqlShowAll
    sqlSelect = "SELECT * FROM qrySearch WHERE ("
    sqlLastName = "(LastName Like ""*" & strSearch & "*"")"
    sqlFirstName = " OR (FirstName Like ""*" & strSearch & "*"")"
    sqlFullName = " OR (FullName Like ""*" & strSearch & "*"")"
    sqlEnd = ")"
    sqlAllNames = sqlLastName & sqlFirstName & sqlFullName
    sqlSearch = sqlSelect & sqlAllNames & sqlEnd
   Forms![frmSearch]!fsubTest.Form.RecordSource = sqlSearch

End If

TxtSearch.SelStart = CursorPosition

End Sub

Access 会截断文本字段中的尾随空格。有没有办法解决这个问题?我已经实现了一个 for 循环来恢复用于搜索的尾随空格,但我想保存尾随空格,以便用户继续输入时空格不会消失。例如,我可以输入“Jane”并搜索“Jane”,但是当返回到文本框时,我会看到“Jane”,所以我永远无法输入“Jane Doe”而只能输入“JaneDoe”。

标签: ms-accessvbams-access-2016


这是我用来完成您正在寻找的代码的代码。我将搜索框“Searchfor”作为我输入的位置,将“SearchResults”作为包含数据的组合框。还有一个文本框“SrchText”,供查询“QRY_SearchAll”使用。该查询是一系列“Like” &[Forms]![FRM_SearchMulti]![SrchText]&&#34;&#34;&#34;我想在组合框中显示的每个字段,见图。 QrySearchall 图像

Private Sub SearchFor_Change()
'Create a string (text) variable
    Dim vSearchString As String

'Populate the string variable with the text entered in the Text Box SearchFor
    vSearchString = SearchFor.Text

'Pass the value contained in the string variable to the hidden text box SrchText,
'that is used as the sear4ch criteria for the Query QRY_SearchAll
    SrchText = vSearchString

'Requery the List Box to show the latest results for the text entered in Text Box SearchFor

'Tests for a trailing space and exits the sub routine at this point
'so as to preserve the trailing space, which would be lost if focus was shifted from Text Box SearchFor
    If Len(Me.SrchText) <> 0 And InStr(Len(SrchText), SrchText, " ", vbTextCompare) Then
        'Set the focus on the first item in the list box
            Me.SearchResults = Me.SearchResults.ItemData(1)
        'Requery the form to refresh the content of any unbound text box that might be feeding off the record source of  the List Box
        'Returns the cursor to the the end of the text in Text Box SearchFor,
        'and restores trailing space lost when focus is shifted to the list box
            Me.SearchFor = vSearchString
            Me.SearchFor.SelStart = Me.SearchFor.SelLength

        Exit Sub
    End If

'Set the focus on the first item in the list box
    Me.SearchResults = Me.SearchResults.ItemData(1)

'Requery the form to refresh the content of any unbound text box that might be feeding off the record source of  the List Box

'Returns the cursor to the the end of the text in Text Box SearchFor

    If Not IsNull(Len(Me.SearchFor)) Then
        Me.SearchFor.SelStart = Len(Me.SearchFor)
    End If
End Sub

关于此系统的一个警告:它使用重新查询而不是刷新。这对于一个相当快的系统上的合理数量的记录来说是很好的。我发现当我尝试在一个古老的 Sharepoint 服务器上对数据使用相同的代码时,我会在输入每个字母后延迟 10 秒。因此,如果您要处理大量记录或服务器速度较慢,您可能需要将“requery”更改为“refresh”。
