首页 > 解决方案 > 检查R中是否存在URL


我想遍历一个 URL 列表,我想知道这些 URL 是否存在。

RCurl提供url.exists()功能。但是,输出似乎不正确,因为例如它说 amazon.com 未注册(这样做是因为url.exists()-function 不返回 200 范围内的值,对于 amazon.com它是 405(“方法不允许”)。

我也试过HEAD()并由包GET()提供。httr但有时我会在这里收到错误消息,例如超时或 URL 未注册。


Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : Timeout was reached: Connection timed out after 10000 milliseconds

Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : Could not resolve host: afsadadssadasf.com

当我收到这样的错误时,整个 for 循环都会停止。是否可以继续 for 循环?我试过tryCatch()了,但据我所知,这只有在问题出在数据框本身时才有帮助。

标签: rurlrcurlhttr


pingr::ping()仅使用在健全的组织网络上被阻止的 ICMP,因为攻击者使用 ICMP 作为泄露数据并与命令和控制服务器通信的一种方式。

pingr::ping_port()不使用 HTTPHost:标头,因此 IP 地址可能会响应,但目标虚拟 Web 主机可能未在其上运行,并且它肯定不会验证目标 URL 中是否存在路径。

当只有非 200:299 范围的 HTTP 状态代码时,您应该澄清您想要发生的事情。下面做一个假设。


这是一个用于检查 URL 的独立函数:

#' @param x a single URL
#' @param non_2xx_return_value what to do if the site exists but the
#'        HTTP status code is not in the `2xx` range. Default is to return `FALSE`.
#' @param quiet if not `FALSE`, then every time the `non_2xx_return_value` condition
#'        arises a warning message will be displayed. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param ... other params (`timeout()` would be a good one) passed directly
#'        to `httr::HEAD()` and/or `httr::GET()`
url_exists <- function(x, non_2xx_return_value = FALSE, quiet = FALSE,...) {

    require("httr", quietly = FALSE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

  # you don't need thse two functions if you're alread using `purrr`
  # but `purrr` is a heavyweight compiled pacakge that introduces
  # many other "tidyverse" dependencies and this doesnt.

  capture_error <- function(code, otherwise = NULL, quiet = TRUE) {
      list(result = code, error = NULL),
      error = function(e) {
        if (!quiet)
          message("Error: ", e$message)

        list(result = otherwise, error = e)
      interrupt = function(e) {
        stop("Terminated by user", call. = FALSE)

  safely <- function(.f, otherwise = NULL, quiet = TRUE) {
    function(...) capture_error(.f(...), otherwise, quiet)

  sHEAD <- safely(httr::HEAD)
  sGET <- safely(httr::GET)

  # Try HEAD first since it's lightweight
  res <- sHEAD(x, ...)

  if (is.null(res$result) || 
      ((httr::status_code(res$result) %/% 200) != 1)) {

    res <- sGET(x, ...)

    if (is.null(res$result)) return(NA) # or whatever you want to return on "hard" errors

    if (((httr::status_code(res$result) %/% 200) != 1)) {
      if (!quiet) warning(sprintf("Requests for [%s] responded but without an HTTP status code in the 200-299 range", x))


  } else {



) -> some_urls

  exists = sapply(some_urls, url_exists, USE.NAMES = FALSE),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) %>% dplyr::tbl_df() %>% print()
##  A tibble: 5 x 2
##   exists some_urls                                                                           
##   <lgl>  <chr>                                                                               
## 1 NA     http://content.thief/                                                               
## 2 FALSE  http://rud.is/this/path/does/not_exist                                              
## 3 TRUE   https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=con…
## 4 TRUE   https://www.google.com/search?num=100&source=hp&ei=xGzMW5TZK6G8ggegv5_QAw&q=don%27t…
## 5 TRUE   https://rud.is/b/2018/10/10/geojson-version-of-cbc-quebec-ridings-hex-cartograms-wi…
## Warning message:
## In FUN(X[[i]], ...) :
##   Requests for [http://rud.is/this/path/does/not_exist] responded but without an HTTP status code in the 200-299 range
